Chapter 29

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In the Realm of the Basses

Gossip Girl here, welcoming you to the New Year. When Manhattanites who flew south for the sun return to their Park Avenue perches. Which means I have a lot of catching up to do. Word is, Serena van der Woodsen tangoed in the New Year in the plazas of Buenos Aires. Guess that means Lonely Boy was all alone when the clock tolled twelve. And what of Little J? Rumor is she's trading runways for hallways. So long high fashion, hello high school. Blair Waldorf has been spotted making inroads at The Colony Club. With high school nearing its end, has Queen B. found a new social ladder to climb? Anna Hawthorne and big brother Noah were spotted detoxing in Rome for the holidays. So the only real question remaining: Where in the world is Chuck Bass? And is he ever coming back?

"Anna. You came to greet us." The voice of Jack Bass, Bart's younger brother, spoke as he exited the Bass family limo after texting Anna to come and meet them saying he'd found Chuck.

It was safe to say Anna wasn't exactly Jack's biggest fan. He was every part a Bass and even worse. She was glad he was usually half way around the world in Australia but with Bass Industries without a head he decided to return.

"Not you Jack. Chuck. You said you found him." Anna replied getting straight to the point.

"In Bangkok. He was staying in our hotel over there." Jack explained. "You heard of the term-."

"Do you have him or not?" Anna asked getting fed up of Jack's games. Jack simply turned and walked back to the open limo door.

"Nephew of mine." Jack called out as he looked inside. Jack practically had to lift Chuck out of the limo with the young Bass not even able to open his eyes. "Tell his teachers he'll be taking a personal day."

Anna stood and watched as Jack and the chauffeur helped Chuck into the lobby of their building. Anna felt her heart breaking as she looked on. She finally let out a sigh before leaving for school.


After spending the entire school day with her head in the air between thinking about Chuck and her business studies class first thing in the morning bringing back memories of her dad, what she had just witness was the last thing Anna needed today.

"You wanna get kicked out?" Anna asked as she brushed the smoke that Chuck had just exhaled away from her face.

"Hello to you too, lover." Chuck replied as he looked down at the cigarette in his hand. "Long time no see."

"Put that out." Anna tried to grab it from his hand out he put it out of reach.

"You didn't say the magic word." Chuck told her.

"What are you even doing here? You should be passed out. Or hooked up to an IV." The brunette girl recalled the state she had seen him in earlier.

"I didn't wanna miss the first day of school."
Chuck informed her. "Though looks like I already did."

"That's the only reason you came? Not because you had something to tell me?"

"Like what?" The Bass boy wondered.

"You know like what." Anna reminded him before she grabbed his face and forced him to look her in the eye. "Look at me. Who are you?"

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