Chapter 33

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Wrath of Con

Four wise men once said, "I get by with a little help from my friends". But on the Upper East Side there's the added challenge of figuring out who those friends really are.

Anna and Serena sat on the edge of the blonde's bed after finding out that the whole thing with Gabriel was a scam and he had skipped town with everyone's money.

"Hey B, thanks for- for bringing Nate?" Serena spoke as the pair rose to their feet to greet Blair was who followed by Nate.

"I'm just as flummoxed as you two." Blair assured her best friends. "I got out at 53rd and made a run for it but he's faster than he looks. What happened? Don't tell me that hick gave you scabies." Blair spoke.

"He's gone, with the money. And B, if you tell me I told you so right now I might just lose it so please don't." Serena explained.

"I'm sorry. This isn't something I wanted to be right about." Blair assured her as Anna wrapped an arms round Serena.

"None of us wanted this to happen Serena." Anna promised the blonde next to her. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know." Serena replied. "I'm just trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't. It doesn't make sense."

"Feelings never do." Blair reminded her blonde best friend. "They get you all confused and then they drive you around for hours until they drop you right back round to where you started."

"I need to fix this." Serena spoke.

"How can we help?" Nate wondered.

"Well I have a plan. Tell me if you guys think it's crazy." Serena replied before explaining her plan and then pulling out her phone to call Gabriel as planned.

"Make sure you arrange the meeting somewhere the authorities can surround him. No open spaces." Chuck spoke as he entered the room following the end of Serena's voice message. Having received no reply, Chuck continued to talk. "You did call the police right?"

"No, because then my mom will find out and that can't happen." Serena answered as she stood up and walked towards her step brother.

"Well, all this assumes that the dirtbag even calls you back." Blair pointed out.

"It's obvious time and expert took over this operation." Chuck suggested.

"Maybe you should let Chuck handle this Serena. Gabriel is not calling back." Anna spoke as she too stood up from her seat.

"Just because he took off with all the money doesn't mean that the feelings between us weren't real." Serena defended both herself and Gabriel. "Not only do I think he's going to call back but I think I can get all the money back from him."

"What money?" Dan asked as he knocked on the already open door. "Sorry, I just came to coerce you to family brunch."

"You didn't happen to see something in the living room did you?" Chuck asked the Brooklyn born boy.

"No, why? What's going on?" Dan wondered looking around at the five Upper East Side natives.

Blair proceeded to explain the entire situation to Dan before he revealed that Rufus had invested Dan's college money with Gabriel.

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