Chapter 31

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You've got Yale

True love and betrayal. Revenge and more revenge. A heroine with an impossible goal. If only Mozart had lived on the Upper East Side. But you can keep your magic flute, Amadeus. All this Queen wants is a golden ticket to Yale.

Anna let out a sigh as she rested her arms against the desk in her father's home office. She was growing tired of this ongoing war with Jack as she and Chuck tried to get him away from Bass Industries and out of power where he belonged.

And to make things even worse tonight was the Opera, meaning she would be stuck in her father and Bart's box with the devil himself along with members of the board.

"Hey." A knock came to the door which caused Anna to lift her head and see her mother standing in the threshold.

"Hey." Anna replied as she stood up and ran her hands through her hair as she faced her mother.

"You need to stop stressing. Everything is going to work out." Diana promised her daughter as she entered the room and rested her hands on the teenager's shoulder trying to relax her.

"And if it doesn't? I refuse to let Jack Bass ruin a legacy that dad and Bart worked so hard to built why Jack occupied space in Australia." Anna sighed as she leant back against the desk.

"Well how about we focus on putting up a good front for the board this evening. They already thing badly of Chuck, we don't want to add you to that list." The older woman informed Anna.

"I've gotta go. I have to fax off these from the Palace before picking up my dress for tonight." Anna spoke as she stood up and grabbed a folder from the desk.

"Aren't the Yale emails coming out today?" Diana wondered as her daughter headed for the door.

"Yes mom. They are. And I'll be sure to send Blair your congratulations when she hears." Anna replied before leaving her mother alone in her father's office.

Anna knew exactly what he mother was implying. She was hoping that her daughter would admit that she applied to the New Haven school but Anna still had her sights set on the school here in the city and a career in business.


"I don't care about the board anymore." Chuck's voice spoke as Anna got off the elevator into the Bass/van der Woodsen household, her last stop on her search for the Bass boy.

"You should. You need them." Anna told him as she walked towards himself as Lily. "You need all the help you can get if you want back into Bass Industries, and I wanna help you. And so does my mom."

"And so do I." Lily agreed as the brunette girl took a seat across from Chuck. "And maybe when I'm finished you'll reconsider you're living situation."

"Don't hold your breath." Chuck replied before he stood up and walked towards the elevator.

"Meet us here at 2?" Lily called our after him before looking at Anna.

"My mother really does want to help, for your sake and Chuck's. So if you need anything don't be afraid to ask." Anna smiled at the older woman before standing up. "See you at 2."

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