Chapter 38

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The Lost Boy

Morning in New York. Time to wake up from bad dreams, roll out of the beds we've made, and start making plans for a brighter future.

Anna finished up her morning classes at Columbia as she walked through the campus of her new college after getting off the phone with Chuck. She smiled at her fellow classmates as she passed them by on her way out onto the city street where Richard was waiting to pick her up.

"How was this morning Miss Anna?" Richard wondered as the brunette haired girl was comfortable in the back seat while the driver got into the front seat.

"It was fine Richard. My business management class was particularly interesting." Anna explained as the started to drive back to the Upper East Side.

"How so?" Richard wondered.

"They were talking about my dad and Bart." The Hawthorne girl told the older man as she looked out at the city outside the window.

"Oh." Was the response Richard gave not knowing what else to say to the young girl in the back seat.

"Yeh. As weird and all as it was, it was pretty interesting listening to someone speak so highly of them both." She replied as she started playing with the ring on her finger.

"The Palace?" Richard asked changing the subject away from the girl's father and his former business partner.

"Yes please." Anna spoke before lifting her head from her lap and looking back out the window as the arrived on the Upper East Side. It was soon after the limo pulled up outside the Palace hotel before Richard got out and let the young Hawthorne woman out of the back seat. "I'll see you later Richard."

"Bye Miss Anna." Richard smiled at her before she walked inside. The brunette haired girl walked towards the elevator and pressed the button for the floor where Chuck's room was located.

"Knock, knock." Anna said as she opened the door to the room to find Chuck sitting at the table with his laptop sat in front of him surrounded by documents. She dropped her bag on a empty chair before walking over and leaning down to kiss Chuck.

"You are amazing." Chuck smiled before kissing her again. "But look, I have a really big meeting in a few hours."

"That's hours from now." Anna told Chuck with smile before kissing him again.

"Seriously. This is important. I need to keep my focus." Chuck replied as he looked his girlfriend up and down but soon realized she looked far from impressed. "It's with Shawn McPherson, I'm only gonna get one shot with him."

"Okay then, let me help you." Anna spoke as she removed her bag from its spot on the chair and sat down before lifting a piece of paper from the table and started to read it. She kept her head down looking at the paper in her hand and waited for Chuck to object, after receiving none the brown haired girl smiled and continued to help her boyfriend.


"We've got a problem." Chuck's voice spoke through the phone as Anna walked down the stairs of her home.

"I hate sentences that start like that." Anna informed him as she reached the bottom and walked towards the couch in the living room.

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