Chapter 3: My Dying Rage. (Part 1)

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Chapter 3: My Dying Rage.

For a moment I couldn't comprehend what happened. Then all at once as I looked up hearing the Queen's familiar speech my eyes locked on to Ronalt's back. Bastard! I'd kill him if it were the last thing I ever did. My body reacted and before I knew it a guard had placed his spear baring my way.

"Stand down," he blocked my path.

"Get out of my way!" I tried to push him aside but he grabbed my arm. "I said move!" My fist flew out and punched his armoured helm. Blood dripped as it cut my hand but I ignored it and marched forwards towards Ronalt. Pain burst from my chest and as I looked down a spear head protruded out of me. I coughed blood and died.

Again I looked up to see the Queen make her speech. There still standing was Ronalt. The memory of pain from dying still fresh in my mind. No matter how many times it would take, I'd get my revenge. I grit my teeth and charged forwards.

The guard turned to me surprised, "Stand dow-." I punched him before he could finish and knocked the spear from his hands. He recoiled back and drew his sword. I threw the spear at Ronalt's back but it was a poor throw landing instead at Marley's feet. They turned to me in shock.

"Bastard!" the guard swore at me and in the next moment my head rolled. I died.

The Queen's voice broke me awake. I screamed in frustration and jumped at the guard. He couldn't say a word as I knocked him from his spear. He drew his sword but too late as I stabbed his lost spear into his leg. A howl of pain attracted everyone's attention. Ronalt turned to look at me with wide eyes. My anger flared. The way he looked at me confused as if how could an insect like me be attacking them. Distracted I didn't notice the other guard plunge his spear into my side. I died.

My eyes opened. The Queen spoke. My legs leapt forward. The guard flinched as he fell and I took his spear. I swung it wildly at his companion who had killed me before. It glanced off his armour. The guard I knocked over drew his sword and slashed at my waist. It dug in deep and as I fell back I threw the spear forwards. It didn't even make it two meters. Then his sword stabbed into my chest. I died.

I couldn't think straight anymore. The only thought I could make out was the urge to kill those around me. To make them suffer just as much as I had. To die and die and die and die! I had nothing to do with their Goddess be damned quest. I just wanted to live at home peacefully but now... now I'd break them.

The guard couldn't react in time as I took his spear and knocked him over. To him it was so sudden and in the next moment its tip had gutted his neck. I felt no remorse for the man who had already killed me and as his companion jumped at me screaming bloody murder I stepped back only to feel his spear to still cut my side. I thrust my own forward. He easily blocked my meagre attack and with a swift flick stabbed my heart. As expected of the Kingdom's guard. I died.

Again I killed the first guard and as the second tried to jump me I moved my spear in his path. He faltered as he landed and I tried to kill him. My aim was off and barely missed his unarmoured neck. In the next instant I had died again.

My actions repeated. I took the spear and killed the guard. His partner jumped at me but this time my aim was true. I stepped over him as he gurgled a dying breath. The bloodied spear still dripping as I pointed it loftily at Ronalt. My own clothes smeared with the spray. Two more guards rushed at me. I didn't stand a chance as their heavy swords cleaved away the spear I held in defence and broke my body like a twig. I died.

With practised movements I killed the first two guards and continued forward. The next two came and I dodged back. Their blades missed their mark and as my spear glanced across their armour they countered my blow and once more laid me down to death. Again I stood and moved forward. Two men died by my hand and as the next two came I dodged the first blow and thrust my spear. It dug into the closer one's armour and he collapsed but the spear stuck as the other cut me apart. I died.

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