Chapter 15: Their second chance. (Part 3)

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The days passed the same as before or at least mostly. I made Taylor her cake but along the way ended up baking five others for the rest of Axel. In return I had Taylor teach me her sign language. I helped out the town as I usually did though this time I could fix a few problems before they began. With the extra time, I spent it mostly in the apothecary with Margaret. There were a few extra things I'd need to bring with me to the Kerchest when Servius arrived.

Then as if no time had passed at all they arrived. I had the same conversation with Servius and agreed to head to Kerchest bringing Taylor and Ardent with me. We packed our things and again I was given a new sword from Tarhand. It was odd doing the same thing again but at the same time I was incredibly used to it now and everything happened as if on replay. The same words I had said last time I said again, my movements and actions a mimic of before. Perhaps I had gotten too used to doing it.

"Do you really need all this?" Taylor asked me as the back of the carriage was cramped even more so than before.

"Who knows what will happen," I replied easily.

We were off. The journey the same. The trees opened up to reveal the hidden paths and once more I took in the refreshing scenery of the border forest. No matter how many times I saw it, it always gave me a sense of ease. Like that we reached Kerchest and wearing our disguise of horns were welcomed into the village with open arms. I set up my things in Servius' home and was dragged across the village in their excitement.

The party began and fire lit up the forest in a bright orange glow shining warmth to the cold night. Initially I had intended to lay low and prevent Ardent from drinking but as the energy began to build I felt myself carried away. It would be fine, better even to do the same as before. Who knows what could change and I might just lose my chance to capture the Imperium. Especially if Ardent was awake tomorrow they might get spooked and leave. So I encouraged him to drink and like the last cycle he sent fireworks into the sky much to the delight of the villagers all the while proclaiming himself as a Master Wizard. We danced the night away and without much memory I went to rest.

I woke up first this time. Directly in front of me, her sleeping expression peaceful and reminding me all the more just how beautiful Taylor could be both inside and out. My heart thudded in an odd panic. Why were we so close together? I could barely remember anything from last night. We were really mere inches apart, our mattresses closer together than before, touching even and in the centre of the two we faced each other.

"Mhmm," Taylor shifted closer to me and suddenly we were touching.

The memory came back, both last night's and the last cycle's. The dying embers of the fire as the party began to wane. Taylor and I dancing with a few others drunk and smiling. Our bodies closer than they had ever been before. Then as we headed to bed she pulled my hand into the room. Her words, 'Don't leave me alone, at least not tonight.' And my reply a simple smile as we pushed the mattresses together and laid down beside each other. Then... then... my mind was a blur. What the hell happened after? Nope, I couldn't remember.

Slowly I edged away from Taylor as she murmured trying to reach for the warmth that had just left her. A part of me just then really wanted to go back. I shook it off. The relationship between Taylor and I was platonic at most and anything more would be too much. I pulled the mattress to the other side of the room as if nothing happened and headed out of the room quietly but not before preparing some water beside Taylor's bed. I was pretty sure she drank more this cycle and would definitely need it.

Down the corridor and into the kitchen Servius stood welcomingly, "Good morning."

"Morning," I replied.

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