Chapter 21: My Demon Lord (Part 1)

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Chapter 21: My Demon Lord

The week passed all too quickly. There was a lot we needed to know and not many ways to get it. From the people I or the others talked to, the most we heard was just how powerful the Demon Lord was. An old horned tribe man who witnessed him take down an entire tribe who broke his accord, those who praised him for fending off an army of beasts, the bystanders that saw him raise an entire mountain. A week ago I would have said they were just rumours but seeing the denizens of night move to his will... quite honestly I was fearing just what man we were fighting. Lara's powers were incredible and aside from me everyone's combat talents were immense. The problem was I felt that in the end, my death would be a certain requirement multiple times.

On the plus side I had enjoyed the city to a good extent and explored its streets with interest. It didn't take me long to grow attached and begin to love the twisting alleys that fanned between the building blocks. It was the day before our final push that I found myself in a memorial graveyard close by the Demon Lord's mansion. I had visited multiple times now. A well-kept green lawn adorned with flowers and stone monuments with names I didn't know. From what I read of them, some were the past heroes of the demons, some their leaders and some even the dead companions of the Demon Lord. One statue in the centre stood taller than all the others. It looked human in appearance, a beautiful women with long flowing hair and a realism that no ordinary sculptor could capture. Engraved at its base were the words, For my mother, and beside it the remains of a bouquet of flowers and punnet of now dried strawberries. Seeing the statue and the love that was put into it, a hollow feeling spread through my chest.

"It's how I remember her," a calm voice spoke behind me causing me to jump in fright. I turned around quickly. A Male, bit taller than I was, light blue hair and cold silver eye. A smooth golden stone embedded in his chest showed through his clothing. In his hands fresh flowers and strawberries. It was the first demon of his kind I had ever seen. He let out a stiff smile, "My apologies I did not mean to frighten you."

"I just thought I was alone that's all," I replied simply. With Taylor around I had been thinking I was beginning to get good at sensing people, but he really did appear out of nowhere.

"This is a nice place to be alone," he touched the stone statue with a loving care. "I've seen you come by occasionally, why is that?" His eyes matched mine and a strange tingle shot through my brain.

"The atmosphere here is different from the rest of the city, as much as this place causes me melancholy, I find it peaceful." I replied with the truth.

The blue haired demon laughed, "Peaceful... perhaps that is true. This after all is a memorial for death, and in death we find our final peace."

"I don't think that's quite right."

His gaze narrowed, "Explain."

I spoke oddly naturally despite his intent stare, "Death doesn't bring about peace, it can cause pain to those left behind and that sometimes is worse than anything."

"I see..., yes you are right." He smiled, "A normal person would see death like you do I suppose. Pity those who cannot die when they want to, those who have a duty that they must follow."

I couldn't help but agree but for a different reason. The times I truly wanted to die to go back, I could not. Only the Goddess would know how my life would finally meets its end.

The blue haired demon eyed me curiously, "Is this your first time in Sanctuary?"

"Yes..., my companions and I arrived one week ago."

A Hero With/Out TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz