Chapter 8: My Storm. (Part 4)

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I couldn't believe what we were seeing. The walls of Greytree were still far into the distance but a red haze spread into the sky clearly lighting up the black smoke rising from the town. It couldn't be what I thought it was. There must have been a festival... right? Just a peaceful festival where they lit their houses on fire. Who the hell was I kidding?

"Ardent...," I turned to him with wide eyes.

"I see it Rain," he frowned. "Those banners outside the wall, they carry the mark of the Demon Lord. It seems he has made his move before ours." I couldn't tell from the distance but using magic Ardent could easily see that far away. "Their invasion force must already be within the walls, I cannot see them. We must hurry. They will need our help."

I felt my hands tighten around the Pina's reins. Slowly I checked my pocket watch. It was 11.30. Half an hour left before my time of death could reset after the Monster. Should I run away? It was only half an hour... I'd come back once it was over. No, Ardent and Earnest would keep going and if I was alone the denizens would appear and rip me to shreds. Then should I go to Greytree? It would take us less than fifteen minutes to reach the gate, plenty of time left for me to die.

"Rain don't be afraid," Ardent's hand gently rested on my shoulder. "I'll protect you. Inside that town are others like you who need someone to guide them to safety. We cannot leave them idle."

"I- I understand," I urged Pina to go on and shook the thoughts from my head. The only reason I was hesitating was because of my ability to repeat. I didn't consider myself a Hero but there were people inside that I cared about and I'd do my best to get them to safety. I could only pray that if I did die at least it wouldn't be too soon. On that note I was beginning to think that my perspective worth of my life was decreasing.

"Head towards the West wall, there is a small side gate we can pass through hopefully undetected. It looks like their invasion force attacked from the North and East." Ardent pointed the way. "For now I'll cast some magic to keep us hidden. As long as do not draw their attention we should be fine."

"As fine as we were with the denizens?" I couldn't help but say.

There was a pause, "Rain, this time I'm serious." I swallowed involuntarily. His usual aloofness was gone entirely and a seeping anger built beneath his voice. "Our goal in defeating the Demon Lord was to stop events like this. To stop the war before it began. Though perhaps there was not much we could have done, we failed. From here however I will by all costs save as many lives as possible."

"But how?"

"The fortress is not without its defences. Even surprised they should hold. If we can support them reinforcements will hopefully arrive before it's too late."

I gulped, "And what is too late?"

"For now that is something we should consider later."

Earnest nodded solemnly, "While I do enjoy battle, war is different. Ready your bow Rain, we do not know when you may need it."

As we neared the walls I had Pina slow down till she was barely walking. It looked like a complete surprise attack. There were barely any signs of a siege and the gate was thrown wide open. It was there that I saw them. Demons. Their shapes and sizes differed with their armour bent to fit their strange bodies. Horns, fur, tall, short, four arms, two arms, one eye, three eyes, a mixture of races I had never seen. They stood together on guard however their eyes passed us over as we moved around the wall.

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