Chapter 9: My Calm (Part 4)

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Dinner was peaceful... more than I ever thought it could be with Lara and everyone. Seeing them all together with no looming threat hovering over my shoulder was enlightening. Before I had forced myself to enjoy their company or at least to pretend to, but now it was natural. Ardent was revitalised and spoke between mouthfuls, Ronalt listened intently with a serious gaze and while I hadn't seen it before Earnest watched us all rarely speaking but with a content smile. Of course there was still the whole Demon Lord to take care of and I had no idea what else would be coming in the future. It could be worse, it could be better, and I was okay with that.

I cleaned the table as I usually did. Even though we were in the inn I had borrowed their kitchen to cook and in return I gave away a few of my own recipes. Usually the time after dinner was time for me to relax and quietly work away my thoughts. Lara and Ronalt had informed me to take it easy despite having no issues with me cooking for them. The problem was right now I had taken on a task I was woefully unprepared for.

"Are you trying to cut yourself?" I asked Taylor with a sigh.

"What?" she looked at me as she held a knife above the cutting board.

"Don't use a reverse grip to cut vegetables. What are you trying to kill them?"

"Oh sorry reflex," she laughed and changed her grip with an expert flourish. I had planned to teach Taylor while cooking dinner but Marley had insisted I do it after. Now I was following through with my promise.

"Like this," I slowly demonstrated how to cut a carrot beside her. "Now be careful of your fingers and take it easy."

"I know how to handle a knife," she flipped the utensil in her hands and smirked. With deft movements she carved away her own carrot easily. "See?"

"Don't get cocky this is just the beginning." At the time I really did believe it wouldn't be that hard.

Three hours passed. Three hours that I couldn't understand. Just how could someone be so good at some things but terrible at others. The kitchen was a mess of food scraps, burnt meat, spilled soup and a general lack of order. If I were to say anything, at least she was earnest. If I were to say something else... the girl lacked a common sense regarding food that I took for granted.

"Taylor...," I began exasperated.

"Y-yes?" she held her hands together anxiously.

"You did it," I placed the spoon in my hand down. "It tastes decent."

"Really?" for what she just made she looked way to happy.

I could only smile weakly in return, "It's a start. Just... promise me not to cook anything while I'm not around."


"Good," I stretched my muscles. They were still a little sore. "Now clean up this mess. I'm going to bed."

"Wait you can't just leave!" she grabbed my arm.

"Watch me," I tried to take a step but she yanked me back.

"Taylor...." I paused looked over her shoulder and screamed, "What the hell is that!?"

"What?" for a moment her grip loosened I ran for the door. Her body shifted and blocked my path. Of course she was way faster than me but I had a trump card. I formed the mana in my body and tried to use magic. The effect was immediate as Taylor's eyes widened in surprise. Then I hit the floor in pain.

Taylor stood above me without having to do anything, "Are you an idiot?"

"I forgot how much it hurt," I coughed.

"Now I feel bad for making you help clean," she sighed.

I laughed weakly, "Haha you've fallen for my trap."

"I said feel bad not that I wouldn't make you do it."


"Come on now and stop messing around," she stepped over my body. "Don't worry next time I'll do better."

Next time!? She expected a next time? I looked up at her as I slowly pushed myself off the floor. Despite the complaints building in my mouth they all fell short. There was no way I could say no, not with how she smiled.

"What?" she looked at me again.


A Hero With/Out TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang