Chapter 22: Our change of pace. (Part 3)

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As the sun set a small ceremony was being held with Lara and Taylor in the centre. A circuit of magic laid out beneath them and we watched close by.

"I, Lara, Hero of the Kingdom, declare you Taylor a free women," Lara held out her hand to the kneeling Taylor.

"I gratefully accept," Taylor lifted her neck to her where the slave collar glowed.

"Then I must give you one last order," Lara smiled and her eyes passed mine. "From this day forth you will promise to continue to love Rain Axel and be his companion as long as he desires it. Can you do this?" I couldn't help not blush.

"I already planned to," Taylor laughed. Really as soon as the collar was dispelled any command was gone so there was no point other than a verbal promise. Although it did make me feel warm inside.

Lara's hand touched the collar and with a single spark it disintegrated to nothing.

Taylor jumped up happily, "Finally! It feels so refreshing to not be bound anymore. Not that you really abused me at all. Though banning me from touching Rain was a bit low."

"I told you not tell anyone!" Lara complained embarrassed.

"No collar no qualms," she laughed and stepped towards me. "You and me, a date in the city, tonight, right now."

I squirmed as the others turned to me with smug smiles. Ronalt particularly as he nodded to us, "Our mission is complete, you two can do whatever you want. No need to hold back."

"Then let's go," Taylor took my hand. Her smile softened sweetly, "I've been looking forward to this."

"So have I," I gently squeezed her hand.

Ardent heaved a nostalgic smile, "Oh what it is to be young."

"Indeed," Earnest nodded. "Such purity is quite outstanding."

Taylor turned to them both with a glare, "I'm on the opposite end of pure. The only reason I'm like this is because of Rain."

"Right, right," I pulled her away. "Let's go before this becomes even more awkward. I'll see you all later." I caught Lara's warm gaze. "Lara... we'll talk soon."

She waved, "Bye, have fun."

"We will," Taylor grinned.

In the end we had a lovely evening together in the Kingdom's Capital. The Queen hearing about it had even prepared us reservations at a high class restaurant, though the message we received read, Dear Rain, from your caring Aunt Nera. P.s. Don't have too much fun. I managed to hide the note from Taylor as we were guided to our seats. The food was exceptional and without an agenda lurking behind our backs, the two of us could really enjoy each other's company. The memories we had made on the journey, our inner thoughts at the time and even the promises of things we wanted to do in the future. If it wasn't for Lara who was waiting for our return, I don't think Taylor would have let the date end there. We still had plenty of time together so it was okay.

A week passed by with a relaxing quickness. I continued to train with Earnest, though to his disappointment I couldn't perform as well as when I had fought the Demon Lord. The problem was he was convinced I could one day match him and wouldn't let up. Marley gave us a tour of the Temple she was raised in close to the Capital. It held the same peaceful atmosphere as the one in the Demon's territory. I had to wonder if Lady Tillia and Daryl were doing well. Ronalt showed us around the Palace and where the knights trained and together with Ardent the two of us spent quite a few hours in the library. Although it hadn't been that long, everything that had happened felt a lot further in the past. There was no great agenda and we were rewarded by a very cared for holiday.

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