Chapter 17: Our Demons. (Part 5)

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It didn't take me long to come to and it wasn't what I had expected. My head felt suspiciously fine and in front of me was a very apologetic looking couple. It would seem our worst enemies on this mission were ourselves.

"Sorry about that Rain. No hard feelings right?" Marley whispered.

"My mistake Rain. We thought you three were guards," Ardent remarked. "Your clothes were suspicious after all." Unlike us they were wearing normal clothing which in my opinion was even worse.

I sighed and regained my balance. Ronalt had been holding me up. "Earnest isn't going to stab me in the back now is he?"

"We haven't seen him," Ardent replied with an apologetic smile.

Ronalt let go of me and frowned towards the two, "Now we're all calm, I'd like to ask what you two are doing here?"

Marley answered, "I caught Ardent trying to sneak out to save the man from earlier and decided to join him."

Ardent cleared his throat, "It left a bad taste in my mouth to not do anything."

"Great, we're all idiots," I responded dryly. "Let's just get this over with."

Before Ronalt or the others could reply I lead the way to the next room. Taylor walked beside me and tapped my head with her knuckles. I brushed her off as she continued to smile amused at my sudden injury. We moved past a storage room and eventually to a tighter fit room. The actual space was quite large but it was filled with devices clearly meant for torture. Chains hung from the wall and a large cross shaped table sat in the middle. Dried blood splayed out against the stone floor and nefarious devices laid littered without regard. The subject of which I could only assume.

As we entered the smell of blood and decay wafted clearly and a frown came across most our faces. Marley was seemingly fine with it as was Taylor who looked indifferent.

Ardent's brows drew together, "A lot of pain was felt here. We would do best to leave things untouched."

Ronalt nodded, "Agreed. The man can't be far."

A single solid door was built on the opposite side of the room. As I approached Taylor jingled a set of keys in front of me. I took the keys gingerly. A part of me was faltering sensing a clear disturbance on the other side. There was every option to let someone else be the one to open the door. Ronalt and Ardent came of their own volition. In the end I was the help, I didn't need to be here. Taylor had said it herself... and yet, I couldn't leave. No matter what, I felt it was my job to look after Lara and I'd see to it to make sure she was happy.

The door swung loose easily once the lock was released. A single cell with no light and no bedding. A man laid on his knees, his head turned to the sky he couldn't see. Scars ran all across his malnourished body and the stain of tears fell down his cheeks. He was frozen, unmoving.... I didn't even need my training to see it. The man was already dead. A crack broke through my heart as I thought about Lara waiting outside.

"Rain what's-, I see...," Ronalt came to a halt beside me and peered at the man with the same regret. He shook himself and sighed, "There is nothing we can do. Staying longer will only jeopardise us."

"Wait," I grabbed his arm before he could leave. "He at least deserves a proper burial." At the very least we could do that much.

Ardent looked between us, "I'll handle it. As much as it unwise to leave evidence we were here, at least we can help rest his soul. Marley please help me perform his final rights." She nodded simply.

Ronalt gazed back at the dead man, "Let me carry him. As for you Rain, I leave Lara to you."

I nodded sombrely knowing that his words held more weight than he let on.

With that we left the basement and split ways. The only trace of our arrival the disappearance of a corpse. Taylor had suggested to torch the place and a part of me was more than willing to agree, however the scene could come to bite us later and was dismissed. Ardent, Marley and Ronalt left to bury the man in the forest. Taylor and I found ourselves back where we began, and waiting patiently partially hidden in the alley was Lara. Strands of her white hair peeked out from the hat pressed against her head. She shivered in the cold but at the sight of us stood with a clear apprehension.

"D-did you save him?" her question was simple and earnest, filled with a hope I couldn't bear shatter. Those eyes that saw the world as pure and the heart she had to match it. I always believed in learning through hardship, to grow against the odds. Tough love you could call it. To hold nothing back....

A perfectly acted smile broke my lips, "Yeah. Don't worry. We got him out of town. He has enough supplies to make it to Kerchest and a note from me."

For a moment she breathed out in relief but then became concerned, "Will he really be okay?"

"It's all we can spare," I forced myself to keep up the act and became serious. "We have our own job to do. We're not a charity."

"Right," she nodded. "Thanks Rain, thankyou Taylor. I just couldn't sleep right without doing anything." And then she smiled. It was bright and unhindered but the usual mirth I felt broke and pierced my chest.

"No problem, now get some rest. It would be suspicious if we all went back together," I gestured for her to go first.

"See you tomorrow," and thus with light steps Lara disappeared into the town.

I couldn't hold it any longer and leaned against the alley wall releasing a pent up melancholic sigh. There was no telling if what I did was right or wrong.

Taylor stood in front of me, her eyes clear, "You lied."

"I did," I stared back at her. "I wasn't going to, but then... I just couldn't do it. Not now at least."

"You know you can't protect her from it forever. As much as Lara wants to talk it out with the Demon Lord, there's no way it'll be that easy."

"You're telling me," I released another sigh and straightened myself. "She'll have to grow up one day, but just not now. Sorry, it's stupid I know."

"No it isn't," Taylor's laugh surprised me. She leaned closer, "I like this part of you as well." "Well at least you do," I moved away from her. "Come on, we have a big day tomorrow."        

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