Chapter 28: My Hero (Part 1)

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Authors Note: A bit of a shorter one today as things begin to ramp towards the end. On that note I'll be uploading every day including weekends till the story is finished. Only 3 Chapters left. Thank you for you continued support. I love reading people's comments about the story.

Chapter 28: My Hero

Several hours had passed since we arrived in the forest. The first few were spent rapidly preparing whatever we needed. The Empire had the advantage when it came to numbers and power but they weren't expecting us here. A lot could change in a few hours and we'd done our best. Now however we just waited. With a telescope in hand, Taylor and I sat in the eaves of a tree overlooking the Magicians Guild. Their army had to be at least ten thousand strong, many of them experienced knights and a good portion made up of Imperium not to mention the Empire's own magicians. The Guild stayed strong beneath the barrage of artillery and magic that rampaged towards them. Each one collapsing to nothing against its powerful barrier. This had been going on since not long after we arrived. The Empire were happy to wait. They knew the barrier would fall eventually.

Taylor swung her legs beside me, "We could always run you know."

"We could," I packed away the telescope, "but my conscience wouldn't like that. Plus I'm quite keen for revenge."

"Revenge huh.... Is that as Caius or Rain?"

"Bit of both," I admitted. "Like Caius I'd love to rip into that General Elroy, it's an old grudge but it's still fresh. Though if I had to choose it's for what they've done to Lara. She didn't deserve any of this."

Taylor looked towards the Guild herself, her eyes shone seeing clearly past the trees, "Looks like Lara is making her move."

"Already?" I cursed. The sun still hadn't set and wouldn't for another half hour. Still it was better than nothing, it just changed how long we needed to stall for. "Keep an eye on them. We'll begin soon."

"Roger that," she saluted me and stayed in the branches while I descended.

I landed not far from where the others sat waiting. Marley nibbled on some nuts while Earnest and Ronalt were tending to their equipment. Ardent and Caius were in meditation, honing the mana in their bodies for the coming battle.

"The barrier is going to fall soon," I spoke firmly. "Ardent are you ready?"

His eyes opened slowly, "I'll do my best. Though I'm not sure how long I can hold her."


He stood up as sparks of mana flashed across his body, "Ready. I'll be sure to get their attention."

"Remember you can't fight Lara directly. She'll trap you like she did me and that really might be the end of you."

"I know. I don't plan to die here." He jumped and flew into the sky.

Ronalt approached with Earnest, "We're ready as we'll ever be."

I looked at them seriously, "It's going to be hard. If you two die, the rest of our plan falls out."

Earnest scoffed, "If any of us die we're doomed anyway. Keep yourself safe," he tapped me on the shoulder, "my apprentice." The pair headed to the front of the forest.


She cut me off, "I know stay safe and help when needed."

"Protect Ardent as well," I smiled to her. "He's going to be defenceless."

"I'll be sure to beat back anyone who comes close," she saluted and stuck to Ardent's side.

Ardent frowned, "Rain, the Guild, how did it look?"

"They're not in a good place and I have no idea if they got your message but we can only hope."

"As long as we can keep Lara from them I'm sure my Master will pull through," he nodded determined. "Go, I'll finish my preparations."

"I'm counting on you," I gave the two one last hopeful smile and climbed back up the tree.

Caius and Taylor were waiting. From here we had a clear view of the Magicians Guild. The barrier was beginning to show cracks after having suddenly taking a severe beating. The source was Lara, she stood at the front lines ignoring the impacts from the Empire's army all the while beating at the barrier. We could feel the shockwaves from here.

"It's going to be close," I said to Caius who began to weave his own magic.

"Yes, but I've been waiting for this since the day they raided our village. I'll make the Empire crumble," he raised his hands above his head. A dark ball began to form and with each second it grew. The presence of it was frightening. Now there was no need to hide he was letting all his mana flow, if anything he was screaming to the Empire we were here, and that's exactly what we wanted.

The ball launched forwards at the same moment the barrier broke. A thunderous crash resounded through the air spilling through our ears and to the Imperial city not far away. Their reaction was quick. As the dark mass of energy flew towards the Empire's army, a barrier of their own formed to stop it. The moment it appeared however it was absorbed making the mass even larger. In their panic they began to run and fire magic to stop the overwhelming sphere. It ploughed into their ranks disintegrating the land and anyone unfortunate enough to be close by, continuing to where their commanders stood. Then as if nothing it was halted. A spear of light shot into the sky and the orb exploded. The burst of force raged but the magic was gone and in its place stood Lara unscathed.

"Tch," Caius clicked his tongue drinking the potion I had prepared for him. That spell had consumed a lot of his energy, we wouldn't be able to fire that again.

A roar erupted from the Empire's ranks as they charged into Guild's grounds. The thousands of soldiers pushed past the walls now the barrier was gone. Within seconds the clash of battle echoed across the land. Lara stood where she was gazing in our direction and then she stepped forward, not towards the Guild but to us. Following her a company of knights. This is where the battle truly started.

"Those knights aren't going to be pushovers, they're the Empire's finest," Taylor commented.

"The Empire hasn't faced Earnest and Ronalt, plus I have my own surprises," I watched the far off dots quickly come closer. "Caius stage two."

"I know," he scowled and headed into the forest.

Taylor stood in front of me balancing on the branch of the tree. Her hands held my face and with a light peck she kissed me on the lips, "Don't die okay."

"As long as you don't," I smiled and patted her head. A nervous jitter spread through me. "Let's go." 

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