Chapter 25: Our Master of Wizards. (Part 4)

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I pulled Marley along behind the higher ranking Imperium. For a brief moment we passed the passage to the inner sanctum and as we did so a powerful wave of mana resonated out causing dust to fall from the ceiling and walls. It was mostly a foreign power but there was a small part that reminded me of Ardent.

"Tch," the Imperium man spat. "The Archmage and her dogs are still trying to resist.

"Sir, I was not informed. What is happening inside?" I asked despite the risk.

"Are you daft? The battle for the Guild is being waged inside. Once we have the Kingdom's Hero however, it will be all too easy to take over this place," he grinned greedily.

"The Hero?" I acted dumb.

"Ah right a plebeian like you wouldn't have been told. Don't mind it. Your job is to make sure no one acts up and ruins everything."

"Of course sir," I humbly bowed my head. I'd definitely make sure to ruin everything.

Another pulse of mana shot through the building. Whatever was happening must have been intense. The very walls of the Guild had been imbued to absorb mana, the fact I could still feel it this distance away meant whoever was inside had magic capable on Caius' level. We continued down the corridor and soon arrived into a medium sized private room. What was once a study had been converted to an interrogation room and not one from Jane's world. The stone floor was splattered with blood and a thick table covered in chains sat in the centre. Torturer's tools were lined up on the bench, some clearly used. Whoever had been here before did not have a nice day.

"Mister Lindorf, good afternoon," a slimy voice greeted us wearing a black cowl and robe. Unlike most Imperium he didn't wear a mask and revealed an ugly smirk. Behind him were two other Imperium who looked like assistants. "Beautiful timing. Just got finished with questioning the last gal. Real screamer that one." A clear pit of disgust swam into my stomach. This man didn't deserve to exist in this world.

The higher ranking Imperium snatched Marley's chains from me, "We have a priest of the Goddess. Apparently she is able to cure the artefacts binding on the slum."

"Oh, quite the young beauty as well," the slimy man rubbed his hands across her face, smelling her hair. "Her mana is lovely. I'll make her talk and afterwards she'd make a lovely puppet." I was beginning to think I'd have to cook for an entire month to make it up to Marley after this. "Strap her down."

I did as I was told and began to push Marley onto the table, binding her. As I did so I drew close by her ear and whispered, "Get their attention."

As I finished Marley laughed, "Do you think this will make me talk? I'll never betray the Goddess."

"We shall see," the slimy man took out a whip and cracked it. "Don't worry I'll start easy." The Imperium watched with content expressions as I slipped behind them. I bided my time as he snapped the whip against Marley's arm. She tensed up in pain. The torture continued as I waited to strike, at times averting my eyes. It wasn't pleasant to watch as Marley's clothes were torn and her skin cut apart but I needed to wait till they were all distracted. Eventually Marley released her voice unable to hold back from gasping.

The slimy man grinned, "Now on to the next one. Don't break now." He picked up a pair of pliers.

"Wait," Mister Lindorf stopped him and stepped closer to Marley. "Girl do you feel like talking yet?"

"Okay!" Marley cried. "Please just stop. I've had enough."

"Good, now tell me. How did you cure them?"

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