Chapter 5: My Progress. (Part 4)

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"I'm not good with magic either," Earnest's voice came from behind me causing me to jump. Did everyone feel the need to sneak up on me whenever I went to work? During the night I was doing my routine jobs and again I was spooked. It didn't help that when I began to work the rest of the world faded away.

"Earnest, did you need something?" I asked once my heart had settled down.

"No," he replied bluntly. "I thought you'd like to train." He offered me a wooden sword.

"I'll politely refuse this time," I replied.

"You can't run away from this," he remained adamant with the sword held towards me. "You have talent."

"Maybe, but I already do a lot of other work," I pointed to the assortment of goods I was tidying up.

He smirked, "This is an order."

My hands froze and I looked at him coldly, "Are you playing with me?" I had been told to support the Hero and her party in whatever they needed but being blatantly ordered stirred a dark pit inside me.

"Do you refuse?"

I took the wooden sword from him, "I must obey."

"Good, follow me," he gestured and led me away from the campsite. The area around us was mostly clear and once we had reached flat ground he stopped.

I sighed, "Just don't kill me." Repeating everything I had done this week would be much harder than before. Worse still, talking to people genuinely while knowing their reactions already.

"I promised the Hero that I would not."

"Great," I said dryly. "So what now? Want me to take a swing at you?"

"Go ahead," he nodded.

Well my stress had been building lately and after the news about my lack of magic, I really did need to let loose a little. This wasn't like when I went on my rampage. I didn't need to kill him. My body was strangely relaxed. Maybe this was what I needed.

My foot left the ground as I swung straight at Earnest. In a flash without even moving he smacked away the wooden sword. I stepped back and aimed for his side. Once more he blocked my attack. It was strange. There was no tension between us and instead I felt a small excitement building inside of me. I came at him again and again, each time different from the last and as he continued to stop me my mind was ablaze analysing how he moved, what steps he would take, prying his body to find his weakness. I jumped forwards to swing, Earnest moved to defend, his movements were fast but I was slowly getting used to them. As I landed I let go of my sword, letting the wood sail straight. It was just for a moment but Earnest's eyes shifted and taking the opportunity I kicked at his side. In an instant his eyes snapped back as he dodged, finally retreating. Unfortunately I couldn't see what happened next but I definitely felt it as my leg snapped and a tremendous pain erupted through my shin.

"Argh!" I yelled out and fell to the ground. My leg was broken.

"Ah, my apologies. I was surprised," Earnest stared at me and then smiled slightly. "I was right. You are talented." Like I give a damn about that now!

"Marley...," I groaned and grit my teeth through the pain.

"Hmm yes, we're done for today anyway. I expect you to join me for practise from now on."

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