Chapter 10: My Nightmare (Part 2)

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I led Taylor around the plains while looking at a map I had bought in town. We were checking a nearby hill when Taylor tilted her head.

"That's strange...."

"What is it?" I asked but could see nothing.

"I'm getting a weird feeling like I'm being watched."

"Are you sure?"

"Like I said the other night, I can sense people. It's an innate thing I learned over the years."

"And what exactly do you feel?"

"I'm not sure, it's hazy...!" In a sudden rush she grabbed me and jumped into the ground covering me. "We're not alone!"

I spotted the assailant just as they fired. Taylor gripped me tighter and turned away from the incoming crossbow bolt as it narrowly missed again.

"Get up!" she pulled me off the ground and drew her knives facing what looked like a mound of grass. The mound however moved as did several near it. They had hidden themselves completely into the ground. I heard the click of the crossbow. The bolt flew, Taylor knocked it from the air.

"Run!" I commanded. "We need to get back to Greytree."

"On i-," she tried to turn to follow me but her body suddenly stiffened. It was only then that I noticed the graze on her shoulder. She had been shot when she protected me.

"Shit!" I caught her body before she could hit the ground. The mounds of dirt and grass ran closer, glints of steel reflecting in the dying sunlight. I couldn't fire my bow while holding Taylor.

"Go," Taylor groaned trying to push me away. "I'm done."

"No! I'd rather die." Seriously I'd rather die. If Taylor died here and this whole situation was somehow wrapped up then she would be gone for good. I hefted her in my arms and began to run.

"Heh," she smirked and looked at me but that was all.

The moving mounds were close enough that I could make out the details of their armour. I was right, they were the same as the ones from that night. Demons. Four of them. One leaped towards me. I jumped out of the way as the dagger cut the edges of my coat.

"Sorry Taylor," I grunted and threw her away drawing my sword. It was a stock standard sword I had borrowed from the carriage but right now it was the best I had. All my training came to this moment. The past few days I had suffered through, just how many seconds would they buy me?

A blade approached me in a sudden thrust. I parried it upwards and kicked the demon away. Something whipped out from behind it and pulled my leg forwards throwing my balance. I cut at it wildly only for the demon to groan. A pointed tail fell to the ground. I barely had time to celebrate as another knife descended towards me. In a panic I barely stopped his arm as the knife laid an inch from my neck. I reacted and swung with my free hand. Sparks flew as the sword grated against his metal armour barely wounding him.

"Die!" someone screamed behind me. He would have struck me but as soon as I heard his voice for a split second I activated my mana. He hesitated and that moment was all I needed. Twisting my body I threw the demon I was holding as he flinched from his wound. The two collided. I heard a click and snap. Pain burst from my stomach as a bolt went straight through. Blood leaked to the ground. I screamed turning back to see the demon load another. With nothing else I threw my sword at it. The demon panicked as the sword flew true and broke into his crossbow. It was just enough time for me to take out my bow and fire. The arrow snapped into its head and with a sudden slump the demon fell. The other demons were beginning to rise again. I scrambled in my bag pulling out a potion as they approached. I poured the contents into my mouth and on the hole gaping through my stomach. Thankfully it didn't seem poisoned. The reaction was quick and the wound began to heal but not fast enough for them not to reach me.

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