Chapter 11: My Way Forward. (Part 4)

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Even I was starting to think that this was a bit much. The entirety of Axel had stopped to welcome me and at first I thought that after greeting everyone they'd all go back to work but it soon became lunch and now... well it was still going and the sun was a about to set. In total it had only been just over a month since I left and I was back much sooner than anyone expected. It was the longest period of time I had ever left Axel including my deaths or not, but to think everyone was so happy having me back really did fill me with warmth. As one of my parent's had said, 'it's because we thought you'd be gone for much longer'. Regardless for an impromptu party everyone was having a little too much fun. It was still winter and I had to wonder if our food reserves would last.

Taylor appeared beside me and sighed, "Your family are pretty umm... nice." I could feel her pain. A girl like Taylor had never come to Axel before. It wasn't just that she was pretty but it was the way she dressed and carried herself that stood out. People were curious to who she was and especially her relation to me.

"Sorry about that," I said with a smile. "They mean well."

"It's fine. I'm just not used to it," for a moment she looked incredibly tired. A pang of guilt welled inside me. Her expression vanished as quickly as it came and she smiled, "But really they can't all be your family right?"

"Not blood related at least but I consider most of them are. If you don't believe me watch this." I moved off the wall I had been leaning on and raised my voice, "Hey Mum."

A dozen heads turned, "Yes Rain?"

"What's up?"

"Did you need something?"

"I said call my sis!"

"Haha hic..." well someone was drunk.

I looked back at Taylor, "See? If I call Dad I'd get even more."

"I'm beginning to understand why you are how you are," Taylor laughed. "With how they carry on about you, it must be nice to be so loved." There it was again. Just for a brief second and then gone like it was nothing. "If I said I was your girlfriend I wonder how they would react."

"Please don't for both our sakes," I refused her suggestion immediately. If that happened I would really have no time to investigate. I'd be swamped by too many prying eyes. It was already bad enough.

"Don't worry, I won't," she punched my shoulder lightly. "Well I'm going to go and hear all your embarrassing stories now. I'm sure there are plenty." I could only shake my head as she left, there was no stopping her especially considering all the alcohol had loosened too many lips.

All in all it was nice to be home. The kids I considered my younger siblings were the most excited to see me back and for a while I listened to their stories and played with them. I talked about my experiences with my parents and many of them laughed. I also kept some things hidden, a lot of things hidden. The fact that I had killed another person. The terrors I had seen. The threat that still hadn't come. Between it all the party eventually died down and slowly one by one everyone departed home.

"Rain stay with me tonight," Mattias said his face bright red. "Your friends can come too. Plenty of space I have."

"No!" Nill who ran the inn barged between us, "Obviously he should stay at the inn. We have plenty of open rooms."

"Bah! You always have open rooms."

"That's your fault you old coot. No one ever comes to this backwater town."

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