Chapter 9: My Waking Dream. (Part 2)

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In the morning I waited for Ronalt in the downstairs lounge. He was usually an early riser and thankfully he woke before Earnest appeared. I had plans for Earnest later.

"Good morning Ronalt," I greeted him with forced cheer.

"Good morning Rain," he looked at me with a strained smile. I honestly couldn't tell if he was just having trouble and being awkward or he really did still have it out for me.

"Shall we have breakfast?" I stood up from my chair and gestured to the dining area.

His surprise was clear but he nodded and led the way. No one else had come down yet so it was only us. We ordered our meals and waited. The silence between us was palpable. The lull of the early morning only made it clearer.

I started first, "So... how are things?"

"They're... good," he answered. Nothing else. What the heck, was that really it? I was regretting my decision of striking while the others were away. Finally he spoke, "How are things with you? Are your injuries healed?"

"I can move," I smiled in reply. "How about you? After all that happened aren't you at least a little sore?"

"Unlike yours my body has been trained for many years Rain," he smirked, he actually smirked.

I hid my frown, "Oh that's great. Unfortunately we can't all have servants at our beck and call. Some of us have to work for a living."

"I'll have you know I worked hard for my position," he folded his arms.

I apologised sarcastically, "Oh my mistake. Life in the palace must have been very hard with all parties you had to attend. You mustn't have had the time to cook your own meals." Ronalt frowned. Oops. I probably shouldn't have been so patronising, we were meant to be getting along.

"What do you mean palace? I'm a Knight Captain. The most I have seen of the palace is by guarding it."

I paused, "Wait, you are the prince aren't you?"

His hand shot out to stop me, "Who told you that?"

"The Queen," I answered hesitantly. Was it meant to be a secret? Come to think of it no one ever called him as royalty, a noble yes but never prince. "Before we left she asked me to look after everyone including you, her son."

Ronalt lowered his hand and sighed, "Keep that information to yourself."

"Why? It's not like it changes much does it?" I mean I was always treating him politely... except for right now and when I tried to kill him.

"The only ones who know are Lara and Ardent. While it won't change much between us, it's the society that can't know," he looked downcast. "For that matter it goes unsaid."

"I'm sorry but I'm a little confused. Being from the country side and all I don't get much city gossip."

He laughed spitefully, "How many children does the Queen have?"

"Two." Even I knew that one.

His voice quietened, "Now guess how many children her husband had?"

"Ah... I see, sorry I shouldn't have pried," I bowed my head sincerely. The Queen was the leading figure of the Kingdom. There was no King but rather the Queen's consort. Which meant really Ronalt wasn't royalty.

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