Chapter 6: My kidnapping. (Part 3)

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"Argh...." I tried to feel the back of my head only to find my arms and legs tied together. Great. Just absolutely fantastic. Try help a damsel in distress and get kidnapped instead. This was all Marley's fault for wanting sandwiches. No it was Earnest's fault for hitting me with his bloody sword. Going back further however, it really was my fault for asking in the first place. I sighed.

"And what are you sighing for?"

I looked up and in the silhouette of a nearby torch 'Faith' was standing with her arms folded. My expression immediately soured as I took in my surroundings. A bunch of random goods looted from people who probably weren't even alive anymore. Boxes, clothing, weapons, money, they were thrown around me haphazardly. A single torch lit up what looked like the cave and Faith stood at the entrance.

"What, cat got your tongue or are you still too stunned to speak?" she smiled haughtily.

I looked her in the eyes, "You're not going to kill me?"

She laughed, "Don't worry we'll get around to it. You're still useful for now." Slowly she walked up to where I was tied to the ground and crouched. She was still wearing the Hero's clothes. Things the Hero had been given in good faith. I jerked my body to move but the rope held and only proved to dig into my skin.

She whispered in my ear in a voice that surprised me, "Don't move. They're still watching." Her smugness was gone and a serious concern replaced it. "I'm really sorry but they're forcing me to do this. I can't help you right now but if you're friends are still alive we might be able to do something. Just promise not to leave without me... please." My eyes widened in confusion. Just what was she saying?

"I-," my mouth opened.

She stepped back and released a tremendous cackle, "By the Goddess did you just believe me? Seriously just a few words and you were back to being putty in my hands. Maybe I should have really gone into acting."

My frown returned, "Have you had your fun yet?"

"Oh plenty of it," she curtsied mockingly. "I hope you enjoyed my performance. Next I think I'll perform again in front of your friends." Friends was a bit of a strong word there but I let it slide. "Let's see how should I do it? Maybe the old, 'I couldn't stand waiting.', or the, 'Oh no they captured me again'. I bet the girl with the white hair would fall for either of those."

My muscles tensed involuntarily. The Hero as naïve as she was would definitely fall for that.

Her lips curled viciously, "Wow, did you just react to that? Have special feelings for her? Don't worry we'll be sure to spend time with her before we gut her like the rest."

I looked at the loot around me, "You really killed them all?"

"Of course we did. Trying to sell people these days is far too much work, better to just cut and run. Not that we don't have our fun first." She crouched down again and held my chin towards her. "You though I might keep. You're actually pretty cute, very much my type."

"Just kill me." No seriously please kill me. It might take a few days and some tedious work but I'd get my revenge.

"We'll see," she smiled. "Anyway have fun while we kill your friends. Bye bye." With a light skip she exited the cave taking the torch with her. There was a solid thunk of a door being closed around the corner. Great so I was locked in as well.

With nothing to do I tried shimmy out of my bindings. It only served to cut my skin raw. Without the light I couldn't make out a thing. It was complete darkness. There were weapons around the room but I was tied to the ground and from what I had seen they were too far away. If I could use magic I'd probably be doing better but there was no chance of that. There was one other option I could take, kill myself. The rock beneath me was hard and if I slammed my head into it a few times I'd probably die. While the idea may have seemed innovative I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind. For one there was no telling what killing myself would do. It might not even bring me back. On the other hand the Hero and her party were still alive. Knowing how strong they were, my rescue could be coming any minute.

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