Chapter 23: My Fate (Part 4)

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After leaving their bodies in the room opposite where we had been kept, we snuck down the corridor. It would be quite difficult to reach the outside with the amount of people working through the halls. In the end we decided a different route and pretended like we belonged. Walking freely past the lower class servants and avoiding the others. As we made it to the gardens we found a small corner to hide in.

"Taylor what do you know about the Palace?" I asked quietly.

"Never been personally but I'm pretty sure the building there should lead to the dungeon," she pointed across the garden where a squad of knights blocked the door.

"Awfully heavily guarded for a weekday don't you think?"

Earnest cracked his neck, "Well I have been meaning to get some exercise since getting off that boat. Don't worry I'll go easy on them."

I grit my teeth anxiously, "I feel like we're taking this too far but... better to ask for forgiveness than permission I guess. Taylor we'll sneak inside while they're distracted."

"Follow me," she squeezed my hand and let go, leading the way behind the bushes.

Earnest waited for a minute before waltzing straight to the centre of the garden. "Why hello there!" his voice bellowed towards the knights. "I was wondering if you've seen my companions."

"Y-you!?" a knight at the front drew his sword. "Stay where you are."

"Hey now, no need to cause a fuss. I was just taking a walk."

"You're not meant to be here." Out of the six knights guarding the building four approached Earnest. From their postures they were ready to attack at any moment.

"I was under the impression I was a guest here. The gardens are lovely by the way, it would be a shame if anything were to happen to them."

"Hand over your sword," the knights spaced themselves in front of him.

"Sorry this thing is my responsibility," Earnest placed his hand on the hilt.

At this point Taylor and I had reached the building. It had no windows but with our ability to sneak by and the knights distracted, getting in was easy. Their eyes didn't even flick by us as we walked in front of them in plain view. I just hoped Earnest wouldn't take things too far, though if they touched his sword there would be hell to pay. As we reached the stair case leading downwards a loud crash resounded outside filled with the shouts of men. Footsteps ran towards us climbing the stairs as Taylor and I shoved ourselves into a small nook, our bodies pressed together. On the plus side there'd be less people to sneak by downstairs.

"My, we're quite close aren't we?" Taylor whispered in my ear. "Feels nice."

"Time and place Taylor," it was a tight squeeze with the two of us and I'd be lying if I said a part of me wasn't thinking that way. "Let's go. Even Earnest can only stall so long."

We quickly made our way down the stairs and they soon opened up to a larger room. Three guards were in clear sight watching the entrance. Being that vigilant even Taylor's technique would be seen through but it gave us enough time to get close.

"Hey you're-," the guard screamed and pointed his spear towards me. I charged in from the front sword drawn as Taylor disappeared around them. My sword beat away his spear as he stepped back trying to stab me again. As he did so his eyes wavered causing his aim to miss by a long mark, making it easy for me to knock him in the head. My heart beat painfully as I cut off my mana. Taylor had already taken care of the other two.

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