Chapter 30: Our End. (Part Final)

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A week passed. It was a much earned holiday for us. Small town life as peaceful as it should be, well at least mostly. As it would turn out having six incredibly unique and skilled people as extras in the town caused a few incidents. Aside from the normal fishing, swimming and other such activities our supposed rest also included, hunting monsters in the forest, more swordsmanship than I would have liked, magic experiments, many of which involved me, destroying a barn on accident, fixing said barn, and too many other things I really couldn't be bothered with but was forced anyway. Still, without a greater agenda it was fun.

Now the time had come to say goodbye. Throughout the week it was something Ardent and I had worked on together, the magic circuit to send Lara back home. The knowledge came to me while I was sleeping and had clear traces of the Goddess. It was unlike anything I had seen so far even including all my lives. The principles went over our heads and wasn't even comparable to the magic that brought her here.

We stood together at the edge of the border forest away from Axel. It was sudden but everyone who needed to know had already been told our plans. Lara didn't belong here. As long as she existed in this world there would be people trying to use her, including me. Her strength and power were convenient to a fault. Sure I knew how much help she could be but beyond that, she deserved to go home now.

Marley hugged her tightly, "It's really goodbye isn't it?"

Lara welcomed the embrace, "Well if it works, yes." She looked at me with dubious eyes.

"It'll work," I folded my arms. "Right Ardent?"

"Of course!" despite his enthusiasm he didn't sound convincing and cleared his throat. "Ah anyway Lara, if you ever plan on coming back feel free to pay me or the Guild a visit. You'll always be welcome."

"The Kingdom welcomes you anytime as well," Ronalt added.

"I don't think it works like that but sure," she smiled brightly in thanks.

"You never visited my homeland but I'd show you around," Earnest said lightly.

Lara nodded, "Thank you Earnest, for a lot of things."

"I should be thanking you," he laughed. "You taught me more about swordsmanship than my old master ever did and I have the scars to prove it."

"Sorry...," she bowed her head.

"That's only because he refused to get them removed," I punched Earnest in the shoulder.

Marley let go of Lara and took a step back wiping her eyes, "It was really fun you know. I mean we almost died a few times but this last week was especially the best. I just wish we could do this again."

I smiled to her, "We're all pretty young and besides magic is finicky at the best times, who knows."

"Yeah, who knows," Lara nodded her head firmly, a slim trace of hope. She paused and looked at each of us, "Are you sure you don't need me here?"

Ronalt, Ardent and I shared a look. I answered, "Honestly Lara you being here breaks the balance of power way too much. You're too strong. As much as we love and want you here, it's not possible and you want to go home yourself don't you?"

Her expression tightened. She was clearly having doubts now. "I-I do want to go home but-.... I could be a lot of help here. Wouldn't it be easier?"

I shook my head, "Lara your power is bordering on being godlike. Unless you want people worshipping you, please go home."

"I wouldn't let that happen!" she replied resolutely.

"If Caius can get an army of fanatics against his will than so could you without a doubt." I stepped forward and rubbed her head.

"I-I'll really miss you all," she began to cry.

I pulled her into a hug, "Still the big old cry baby you are."

Slowly I let her go as she rubbed her eyes, "Goodbye Jane."

A dejected sigh left me, "Goodbye Lara." To the world where she was going I no longer existed. For the both of us it was a sad fact.

She turned to Taylor who had been silent till now, "Look after him okay."

Taylor nodded with a soft smile, "I will, better than you ever could."

Lara laughed, "I never got the chance but, thank you." She shook herself and went to the centre of the formation alone. "I'm ready. Do it."

Ardent released his mana as I cut my palm and let the drops of blood hit the ground. The circuit we had drawn began to shine with a warm golden glow, spreading through the earth and releasing a small vibration. Our eyes never left Lara. Each one of us forcing a smile and some waving. This was where our journey came to an end, mine being longer than any of the others. The seconds began to pass and nothing happened. We had expected a grand display but still Lara stood in the centre. She shifted awkwardly.

I looked at Ardent, he shrugged. I cleared my throat, "Well looks like we'll have to do this again la-," before I could finish the sky broke open. Powerful white light descended all around us bleaching out the forests and fields. I knew this feeling, this presence. It was the Goddess.

Her voice resounded through our minds, "Hero Lara, chosen from another world, I have come to take you home."

Marley immediately dropped to her knees in reverence. A part of me felt like the Goddess didn't deserve it but we joined Marley kneeling until Lara was the only one remaining to stand.

The Goddess continued and a blissful warmth spread around us as if caressing our bodies, "You have all done well and turned away the tides of chaos. For that you have my thanks. Hero Lara to take you home a price must be paid, the strength you have gathered, I will accept it. Do you agree?"

Lara turned to us. Her eyes wavered not wanting to say goodbye. Finally she faced the sky, "I accept."

"Then you shall return." A golden shower of particles broke out around Lara. They turned and danced through the air and where they touched her she began to vanish.

Her voice called out, "I'll remember all of you, really! Earnest, Marley, Ronalt, Ardent, Taylor... Jane. I'll never forget you so please don't forget me."

"We couldn't," Ronalt answered for all of us, the stern man tearing at the eyes.

"See you later," a tear dropped down her cheek.

I waved as a tear dropped down my own, "See you later."

Then she was gone. The light faded, the glow of gold vanished and all that was left was the burnt out remains of the circuit and us. My chest heaved empty as if a part of me had just disappeared. Marley broke down in tears no longer able to contain herself. Ardent sniffed his nose trying to remain composed. Ronalt and Earnest held themselves together. Taylor stared to where she vanished and then looked at me with a sympathetic gaze.

I looked up to the sky and whispered a prayer, "Please do me a favour and make sure she's happy."

My mind suddenly jolted as a white figure only I could see touched my cheek, "For you and for her, I will make sure of it." Then it was gone and I could only smile. Wherever Lara was, whatever she would do, although I might not be a part of it, she was the type of person to always strive for happiness for her and everyone else. I really might cry without her.

THE END.... ByHMP Dharma

(Epilogue tomorrow)

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