Chapter 11: My Way Forward. (Part 2)

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Within the next few hours Ronalt had organised a small carriage for us and even allowed us to take Pina. It was nothing compared to our usual carriage and was barely more than a wagon. The driver's seat was separated by a simple piece of cloth and the insides consisted of a single bench cushioned with bags of hay. Still, the frame was new and strong. Even if Pina ran full speed the wood would hold.

"Hmmm," Ardent looked at the carriage and nodded. "It'll do."

"Ardent... thanks again," I said to him softly.

"No problem Rain. I'm actually quite curious to see what your home is like," he smiled oblivious to the danger I would probably end up putting him through.

"I know right," Taylor cheered beside me. "I can't wait to get all his embarrassing stories."

I ignored her and walked up to Lara. She was looking at us anxiously. I could tell what she was thinking. She didn't want everyone to separate. Although we had only known each other for just over a week, to her it meant a lot. That was the kind of person she was.

"We'll be fine," I said lying optimistically.

"Ah yeah," she nodded. I slipped a note into her hand. "What's this?"

"Instructions. There's a boy with a sick sister. Please help them." Michael's sister would be fine in the long run but there was no telling what he would do until then. I knew what a desperate person could do to help a loved one. It was a self-serving wish to help him and all I could do was ask Lara to take the burden but leaving him alone left a bad taste in my mouth.

"Don't worry I'll handle it, so stay safe okay?" she smiled.

I nodded in reply trying to do the same.

The last of our supplies were loaded onto the carriage. Most of it was what we already had from the other carriage like food and sleeping gear but we couldn't take the bulkier equipment. The room we had was a lot less despite it not being visibly much smaller. Regardless it would be more than enough for a two day journey.

We said our final goodbyes by the south entrance to Greytree. Earnest was intent to come with us however Ronalt managed to pull him away while Marley moped that I was leaving saying that I owed her. I'd have to pay the debt another day. It was an uneventful send off and soon enough we were on the road as Pina pulled the carriage happily, which was more than I could say for myself. In a normal situation we wouldn't even have left at this time. It was already the late afternoon and in a few short hours the sun would set. If it wasn't for my desperation we'd still be in Greytree. I spurred Pina faster and she kicked off the ground causing the carriage to bump and shake. We at least needed to be at a safe camping ground by nightfall.

Ardent and Taylor kept to themselves while I drove and it wasn't long before the sun began to set.

Eventually Ardent poked his head from the cloth, "Rain we should find somewhere to set up camp. It's not safe to travel at night with our numbers."

"I know," I cursed internally and had Pina head towards a rocky outcrop in the plains. It was marked as a safe place by travellers and I had camped there before. In the winter when the sun set early it really could be a pain to travel. With less light it meant less time to move, plus the cold was never comfortable. Thankfully the temperature here was still mild compared to the northern parts of the Kingdom.

"Need any help?" Taylor asked as I began to set up the camp. "I may not look like it but I have experience."

"Go ahead and light a fire then. Over there should be fine," I pointed to a spot not too far away.

"On it," she was all smiles which only made it worse for me. The letter said to forgive her, that it wasn't her fault but just why would Taylor stab me? I actually thought we had gotten pretty close but then again maybe that was only me. Still I couldn't hate her for it, another few seconds and I would have done the deed myself.

I cooked a quick meal for the three of us and we sat around the fire silently. The sound of the crackling wood and the clink of our spoons the only noise in the night. It felt like it used to when I first joined them. When I ate alone working my woes away.

"Rain I've been meaning to ask, this dream of yours just how serious was it?" Ardent broke the silence.

"Serious enough," I replied and rubbed my forehead. "Imagine seeing everyone you know and love dead, that's how I feel right now."

"But a dream is still just a dream, what happened may not come to pass," he was trying to reassure me but from experience I knew if I did nothing there was no doubt it would happen.

"Humour me," I said bluntly.

Ardent let out a hollow laugh, "Then I shall. Tell me of this dream Rain. I have experience in such things, who knows perhaps your dream was more of a vision."

I frowned, "A pile of dead bodies reaching the eaves of the buildings around it. It was like some kind of Goddess forsaken ritual."

"A ritual?" Ardent looked at me seriously. "You could tell that much?"

"Want me to draw it for you?" I huffed jokingly.

"Please do," he reached into his bag and pulled out a board and chalk. I did as he asked though apprehensively. For one just remembering the scene made me want to pull my hair out but if Ardent really did know what this was, I needed to do my best to recreate it. I explained what I could while I drew. Drawing had never been a hobby of mine as no one in Axel had taken an interest.

As I finished Ardent breathed thoughtfully and stood up pacing, "This... this is not just any ritual Rain. The fact you were able to draw this, to describe it, we can no longer treat this is as merely a dream."

"What is it?" I asked feeling my heart beat thicken.

"A taboo of the highest class punishable by more than just death," he spoke through gritted teeth. "Really I shouldn't even speak of it."

"I need to know," I hardened my expression.

"You've got me curious now as well," Taylor said intently beside me.

"There is a class of magic that's practice is extremely controlled and for good reason. Its basis is the collection of mana through living beings. Worse still what you have shown me is the most rotten of the sort. It's not just collection through death but suffering." Ardent paused, "I knew some people who researched the possibility. When humans experience strong emotion the mana within us can fluctuate unpredictably and it is exactly that which is exploited. The intricate paths in the circuit you drew me, though incomplete I can say for certain that magic was used."

"Ardent tell me, can you stop it?" my gaze was firm.

"Before it happens yes," he nodded. "During it, maybe."

"Hold it," Taylor raised her hand, "If Rain's dream is more than just a dream doesn't that mean Greytree is in danger as well? Also if that magic is so special surely not many people could do it right?"

"Astute of you Taylor," Ardent nodded. "I'll contact Ronalt and inform him. As for who... I know of a group of outcasts who research such things but they should be in the Empire."

"So it wasn't the demons?" I probed.

"It could be. They have their own methods as well, but this," he held up the board, "looks distinctly familiar."

"I see," I looked down in thought. This was becoming more and more complicated. "We have a long day ahead of us. I want us out by first light. You should get some rest." I walked away from the fire into my own tent. For a brief moment I saw Taylor about to reach out for me but she quickly pulled back, I ignored it.

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