Chapter 5: My Progress. (Part 3)

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I slept peacefully on the roof of the carriage. A small tarp stretched above me and extended to the ground where Pina slept cuddled up underneath. In the morning Pina poked my shoulder to wake me. Day four. More travelling and camping with nothing too exciting. The sun had barely risen and I had went to sleep late after the others had gone to bed. My body was refreshed however, already trained to run on minimal sleep.

It was the same routine, prepare breakfast, maintain the carriage, feed Pina and when the Hero and her party were ready, depart for a new day. The road wasn't the best around these parts but coupled with fine engineering and suspension the bumpy road was hardly felt. My biggest issue was the lack of joy. It had been awhile since I had been able to let loose. The stress inside me was continuing to build and my little rampage had only made it worse. Even now I had to keep an eye peeled in case of a random monster attack. The further away from a town the greater chance there was. Despite my best attempts our travel timing wasn't perfect to what it was before and anything could happen. This was all not even considering the Monster I had to face later....

When noon came I parked the carriage on the side of the road. I didn't know of any places to sightsee in the area and as we progressed the forests receded and the plains grew larger. On the plus side if a monster did attack I would be able to see it coming. Unless it was a ground dwelling one.... I was beginning to miss home more and more.

After lunch Ronalt declared we'd take a break. The Hero went to practise with Earnest who had quite forcefully asked me to join them. Despite how many times I had died my tolerance to pain wasn't any higher and I refused them.

As I checked our storage Taylor poked my side, "You know it's a rare chance to learn from a Master Swordsman like Earnest."

Her poke had startled me but I didn't turn around, "I like having my body in one piece thank you."

"That was an accident and you know it," she laughed. "Then again a commoner like you probably hasn't dealt with much pain at all. Scared to get hurt?"

Her words dug into me more than they should have. I faced her, "I've been hurt enough."

"Oh?" she let out teasingly. "If it's emotional pain I've been known to heal those kinds of wounds."

I sighed, "Just forget it. Besides, I'd rather have a go at learning magic than anything else."

"Did someone say learning magic?" Ardent who was several metres away perked up. I was surprised he heard me. His eyes locked on to mine.

"It was nothing Ardent," I replied politely as Ronalt's stare dug daggers into my scalp.

"Nothing?" Ardent came closer, "Nothing!? To learn magic is to open the gates of the universe, to see through all and to understand the fabric of life! Even Taylor here has learnt magic. 'Nothing' is the exact opposite!"

He was becoming incredibly enthusiastic. It wasn't the first time I had seen this either. When he discussed magic, his eyes would light up like a child's.

"My magic and yours are worlds apart," Taylor scoffed.

"Perhaps," Ardent smiled. "But are you not curious as to what young Rain here has to offer?"

She looked me up and down. My body felt suddenly naked. "I must admit he does have me curious."

"Please don't...." I looked at them weakly.

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