Chapter 12: My resolution to act. (Part 4)

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Taylor had agreed not to tell anyone what happened. I was surprised she was being so flippant about it and when I asked her why she just laughed and replied, 'Demons and humans are all the same to me. I've seen scum and it doesn't matter what race they are.' The way she said it so easily was a bit concerning but she had excused herself soon after. Ardent did like I asked and informed me that Greytree was also doing well, though it would be quite awhile before we could resume our actual journey. The battle had ended a lot quicker with Greytree discovering the demons early but it also meant that there were more demons lurking in the forest. They were taking their time to make sure everything was safe. Regardless it was nice to know things over there were clearing up, and it also just meant more time for me to handle my side.

Dinner was strained, mostly due to a secret I wasn't meant to know. Just how many of my parents knew the truth? I could guess who but didn't say anything, there was only one person who would know for certain. After the meal I found myself outside Mattias' office. He was inside taking care of business and like a child I postured myself outside not knowing whether to disturb him or not. Back then I just wanted attention and now I was preparing to break the reality I thought I knew.

"You can come in you know," Mattias' voice came from the room surprising me. I opened the door slowly. "You used to do all that all the time when you were younger and like I said back then, just come in. Though honestly you were much cuter when you only reached my waist."

"I grew up," I stood at the edge of the room calming myself before closing the door. "I need to talk to you."

My seriousness broke through to him and he nodded putting away his work, "Please sit down." I sat opposite of him. It felt like I was in the middle of an interrogation. "Rain... I've taught you many things and the others, they taught you less but you're a grown man nonetheless. I won't impede on your decisions. She's a bit crass but I feel her heart is in the right place. I and the others will support you. I'm sure you'll make beautiful children."

"What?" I stared at him blankly.

"This isn't about that Taylor girl?"

"No! She's really is just a friend," I groaned and rubbed my head.

"But last night I swear I saw her enter your room. The others were quite excited that you'd finally-,"

"That's enough!" I had to cut him off for my mental health. "She was just pulling a joke that's all." Damn Taylor causing misunderstandings, if I had brought Lara instead this never would have happened.

"I see...," he was obviously and annoyingly disappointed. "What did you want to talk about then?"

I had a hard time rebuilding my composure, "I went to the border forest today." My eyes met his and locked on, "I know."

For a moment Mattias said nothing and simply stared back at me, then he nodded and sighed, "So you know.... Just to make sure, I assume you met someone you shouldn't have?"

"Servius," I answered simply.

"Well...," he held his hands together. "We were planning to tell you after the Winter Festival. You finding out this way must have been a surprise."

"Who else knows?"

Mattias smirked, "Most the town actually. A few of our newer citizens don't but we all agreed to keep it a secret."

"Why? We're human and they're... they're demons," I felt my jaw clench involuntarily.

"To answer that Rain let's go back many many years, to be before Axel was even founded. Would you like to hear the tale?" He smiled softly as if reliving the past. The youth in his eyes clouded revealing the older man inside. The wrinkles on his skin, his slight slouch, I had never seen him look so aged.

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