Chapter 29: My Best Friend (Part 2)

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This was crazy. We had finally got the upper hand and she suddenly got a huge power up. No, even for her, something like this had to have a downfall. This was Lara on her last legs. If we could just survive then the perfect opportunity would show itself. There was a big condition on that 'if'. With Earnest gone there was nothing stopping her from reaching us. Caius was practically unconscious, Earnest not responding and Ardent still suffering from his spell's recoil.

I made a choice and let go of Taylor's hand, standing between her and Lara. Before Taylor could even react she was upon me. My mind burst into action recalling every fight I had against her, analysing the subtle movements of every inch. From the way her muscles twitched to how her hair swayed. Even the slightest tell would prolong my life. I moved before she did but she still moved faster. Her sword parried off my own. The shock rippled through me like lightning. I grit my teeth for what came next and blocked with all my might. It wasn't enough. A snap cracked through my arm and before I knew it I ploughed into the freshly dug earth.

Taylor stood with her eyes wide barely having moved from where I had let her go. I wanted to scream for her to run, to get to safety, but my mouth refused to let the words go. Lara descended onto her with a merciless glare. To my sight Taylor vanished but without any doubt Lara reached to her side grabbing the back of her jacket. I couldn't do anything as she was thrown across the ground, bouncing up and down only to finally roll to a halt.

Move! I forced myself to stand. My left arm hung limp. I ran forward regardless. It was too late. Lara shot towards her intent to pierce her into the earth. A metallic gong resounded. Lara's blade stuck to a thick metal shield as Ronalt tucked behind it filled with grim determination. He roared as the shield let off a burst of light, forcing Lara to skid back.

"Sorry I'm late," Ronalt hefted his shield with both hands. "The Empire was a pain." Lara regarded him with a cautious glower.

"Careful she's stronger than before," I called out to him.

"I didn't think that possible," he frowned and readied himself. Taylor managed to stand and after sending me a glance retreated away.

Lara however stayed where she was. It was odd. From the rage we had witnessed she had always attacked without warning. Even when she had been controlled, she had always moved with clear intent. Now she was hesitating... careful to approach. It was something the actual Lara would do. The girl who although almighty also doubted her strength. Was it my wishful thinking or was she slowly coming back? Regardless, with how she was now, we'd have trouble tying her down even with Ronalt's help.

That's when I noticed it. At the lip of the crater watching us with a curious gaze, my denizen. I had forgotten about it entirely and thought it had disappeared when the sun rose. The small shadowed figure was even more pronounced in the light of the day. My connection with it was still there, a part of my soul residing inside. I called it over and without hesitation the creature dashed towards me and quickly reached my feet. How was this possible? Whatever it was, I needed to figure it out before Lara finally attacked. Right now her attention was solely on Ronalt.

I placed my hand on the denizen, feeling again the strange sensation of its body. My fingers passed through its shadowy exterior into its chest. That's where I felt it. The denizen had a core. It was solid like stone and a perfect sphere. A soft thud resonated from it spreading an incredibly familiar response to myself. This was a fragment of my soul crystallised. Usually when a denizen died the piece of ourselves we gave came back. It took a toll on our bodies but within a few hours we'd be fine again. I had the feeling I wasn't getting this one back.

My head ticked back. I had seen this kind of thing before not too long ago. Back when we first left the Kingdom's Capital, the bandits who had kidnapped me and the creature they released on us. It had reminded me of a denizen but felt like so much more and like the denizen in front of me, it had a core. The image of that terrifying creature came back. The white claws on its hands and the empowering body that stood taller than even Ronalt. Its ability to heal even the most grievous wound like nothing. A strength that could push back Lara.

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