Chapter 16: Our way forward. (Part 3)

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We left Kerchest the morning after. The village had been kind to us but Ronalt and Earnest were waiting back in Axel. They had gone to Axel with Marley and Lara but because Lara had felt a bad premonition she decided to go look for us, taking Marley with her. Taylor's slave collar led her right to us, though Ardent's barrier had blocked it for a certain period of time. I had promised to continue the journey as their steward once everything had been settled. As painful as I knew it was going to be, I kept my promises.

Servius guided us alone as we took Pina and our now incredibly cramped carriage back to Axel. Pina was fine however as the carriage was still lighter than the usual. We enjoyed the scenery of the border forest and even detoured for the more scenic route. It felt strangely calm after all that had happened but it was much better than dying and having to go through it all again.

We reached Axel just as the sun set and were greeted by several of my parents including Mattias. Beside him was Earnest and Ronalt. They looked amicable enough but there was an underlying tension between them.

"Rain welcome back," Mattias greeted us at the edge of the town. "I see your friends found you. How was your trip to the forest?" From the way he phrased it I could immediately tell that Ronalt and Earnest were not in the current loop.

"It was eventful," I smiled in reply. "I'm not sure if you met them but this is Marley and this here is Lara." I pointed them out in turn. "They found us last night while we were camping and have been with us since. It was a bit sudden but there was no trouble."

"Good," Mattias nodded.

Ronalt stepped forward, "It is good to see you all in fine health. You have a lovely home Rain and the people of Axel have been very hospitable. We do however have much to talk about."

"Of course," I bowed my head. "Mattias can we please use the lounge?"

"It's fine with me however we don't have enough spare rooms so some of your friends will need to spend the night at the inn." In the background Nill and Bert smiled in celebration.

"Is that okay with you Ronalt?" I asked.

He nodded, "It is where we spent the previous night and the accommodation is pleasant."

"Then I'll drop off Pina and unload the carriage. Mattias can you please guide my friends ahead of me, I'll be there soon."

"Please follow me," Mattias gestured for them to follow. "Ardent, Taylor as well. I'll have Nill prepare something for your dinner." Lara and the others followed him. I could trust Ardent and Taylor. Marley I had bribed earlier. The problem was Lara, as much as I believed she wouldn't say anything on purpose she could be quite a klutz with her words.

Servius came with me as we dropped off the carriage. Margaret joined us.

"So how was it really?" she asked once they were far out of sight.

"Kerchest is a really nice place," I responded happily. "Have you been there?"

"Oh a few times for this and that," she grinned. "Did you use the explosive?"

I frowned, "Yes... we ran into some trouble. To tell you the truth that trouble was really close to coming to Axel as well."

"You can tell me more Rain. Unlike the others I won't coddle you to death."

"Have you heard of the Imperium?"

Her reaction was all I needed as her usual happy go lucky expression crinkled to a dark glare, "I wish I hadn't."

A Hero With/Out TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz