Chapter 8: My Storm. (Part 2)

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To summarise, basically I had my arse handed to me. Worse still Earnest caught wind of Ardent's request and decided he'd join on us the adventure. On the plus side it was more protection and safety for me but on the other hand I felt it was because Ardent said we'd have plenty of free time when we got there. Without a doubt I can say that Earnest's definition of free time and mine were different. Preparing for the worst I spent the morning in the Apothecary mixing potions to help the healing process. Marley and the others opted to stay in Greytree. I was strangely surprised when Taylor said she'd stay as well. For some reason my mind had thought she'd follow along.

After lunch we hired a small cart enough to fit three people and our luggage. Pina was more than capable of pulling it and soon enough we were on the road heading south of Greytree. From what I heard the oasis was situated in the centre of the plains about 4 hours ride from Greytree. West from the Capital the landscape was mostly forests with patches of meadows in between but the further south you went it transformed to long plains stretching past what the eyes could see. My home Axel was situated on the edges of one of the plains and not too far from the border forest. Although it was quite out of the way traders never failed to pass by.

We travelled down the road peacefully, though the ride was definitely not as comfortable as our regular carriage. The cart was simple and made from wood with little suspension to fix the bumpy road. I was beginning to miss the well cushioned seat of the carriage. The best I could do was some bundled up cloth. Despite my complaints Earnest and Ardent didn't care, the former sleeping and the latter humming pleasantly in excitement while reading. I smiled wryly and rubbed Pina's soft pink feathers to comfort myself. She chirped happily.

The journey was quiet. The most exciting thing being our passing of other travellers heading towards Greytree. The oasis was a relatively short ride away from the road heading south east, however being where it was, riding the cart wasn't the most joyous of experiences and even Earnest couldn't keep his eyes shut. When we finally arrived the sun had crossed quite far over the sky and would set relatively soon.

"Wow," I widened my eyes to take in the oasis. It was tranquil. To call it a pond was an injustice but it wasn't quite the size of a lake. In all it spread across about a dozen metres irregularly with soft sand beaches at the edges. The water was unnaturally clear but a blue reflection could easily be seen spreading through it. A small amount of purple lilies floated in the centre and fish swam peacefully beneath them. There was a soft hum in the air as the wind blew across the plains giving it a relaxing atmosphere. Beyond all that however there was a buzz of energy that seemed to spread across me the closer we approached.

"Well isn't this something," Ardent immediately hopped out of the cart and took a deep breath. "By the Goddess the mana concentration here is beyond simply tangible. It's like I'm drinking it in. I must take notes. Rain my bag please."

"Right," I picked up his bag and followed him as Earnest rose more slowly.

He rummaged through his bag and took out various instruments I hadn't seen before, "Our main interest is the denizens but first I need to record the oasis' properties."

"Did you need a hand?" I asked.

He rubbed his chin, "While I would love your opinion unfortunately my equipment requires control of mana something I'm afraid you just can't do."

"Then why did you ask me to help?" I folded my arms.

"Well I couldn't walk could I? Besides your cooking skills will come as a good break later," Ardent nodded. I looked at him with hollow eyes. He laughed, "Please Rain it's not just that. I thought you might enjoy the experience and wouldn't you like to harvest some ingredients yourself? The plants and water here must have some interesting properties."

I smiled, "I'll have a look around."

"There is still time till nightfall so do whatever you'd like. However I'm sure you know when darkness comes please don't wonder too far from me."

"Understood," I nodded and walked closer to the water's edge. I took out my own bag and stored away some of the water. Just looking at it I could tell that some fine potions could be made. It would be best to keep this place on the down low else a profiteering apothecary would strip it bare.

As I made my way around the water a certain someone followed me closely. Though he had taken an interest in the oasis it ended much quicker than mine or Ardent's.

After a few more minutes I sighed and turned to face him, "Earnest did you need something?"

He pulled out a wooden training sword and offered it to me, "This location would make a nice backdrop to some practice."

"You really do have a one track mind," I sighed. "Give me another half hour just to sort out some things."

"I'll be waiting," so he said but he continued to follow me regardless.

The time passed as I took samples of the other plant life nearby. I didn't have the equipment to make a complete analysis but they would make a nice present to my teacher when I eventually returned home. She was always hunting for rare ingredients.

Once I was done I flexed my muscles and prepared for the inevitable pain.

"Okay Earnest I'm ready," I took the sword from him and threw my jacket to the cart.

"Assume your stance," he held his own sword towards me. I did as I was told and not a second after he struck. The force of the blow rung through my sword and into my body. I had barely been able to block but even doing so paralysed my muscles.

"This strike is one to attack the body without touching. Do not take the force all at once but direct it away. Parry the blow do not block," he stepped forward and swung again. I deflected the blow. "Good keep this up and try attack back."

And so while Ardent peacefully stood at the edge of the oasis humming and weaving his magic I was being chased in circles practically diving away from Earnest's eager training. Let alone fighting back it was barely all I could do to escape.

He laughed, "As always I must commend you Rain, your talent to run away is truly beyond that of an average swordsman."

"Th-thanks," I breathed tiredly.

"Now come at me!" he welcomed me and opened his stance.

I grimaced. I was getting sick of being beaten and just once I wanted to land a hit on him. He stepped forward and I dashed in response, my sword pointed straight for a thrust. He readied himself and swung to divert me. The mana inside me flared. For a brief moment I activated my mana like Taylor had taught me. A pain rippled across my heart but the effect was instant. Earnest's eyes widened as his sword slowed. His gaze darted around him searching for me despite the fact I was clearly in sight.

"Hah!" I shoved the wooden sword forward. In the last moment Earnest's instincts caught up and he dodged to the side. It was light but I felt the wood graze his side. I grinned in victory. Then a burst of force erupted and I was sent skidding across the ground falling with a splash into the oasis water.

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