Chapter 4

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Brielle's POV

"Mom, I don't like that!" I scold as we walk through the store and she holds up a lace bra. When I told her about meeting Miles, it's like her world lit up. I don't know, I guess I just think he happens to be super nice. I've texted him a few times and I like him. So we decided to see each other tomorrow and I'm meeting him at a restaurant, since I don't really trust him.

"Bri all you wear is leggings and sports bras. Tell me I'm wrong" she tells me as I glare at the side of her head. This store has always intimidated me, all the pink and black stripped walls with the black drawers. I hate this place.

"Mom you don't think it's awkward that you're trying to buy your daughter a lace bra on her first date with a man!" I exclaim as she shakes her head no.

"Bri! Of course not! I know you're not showing him anything but lace bras and underwear make you more confident. You feel like a badass in that instead of sports material thongs." She tells me while picking up a size medium pair of lace bikini underwear.

"Now don't tell your dad about this. I might buy some too" she demands as I cover my ears. She's so gross, I don't even want to think about that. My parents having sex, gross, absolutely gross.

"Please stop" I demand as she laughs. She grabs the small shopping bag as she walks with me through the store. When I finally see the leggings and sports bras they call my name only for her to pull me away.

"No more. That's your whole wardrobe and you have a real date so no ma'am. We're buying a dress next door." She tells me as I groan.

"But I wore a dress to graduation that I can wear!" I demand as she shakes her head no. It was a dress thing, it had built in shorts though and I loved it.

"I'll call Eliza then!" I demand again as she scolds. "Brielle Ava Kingston this is no room for discussion. Now let me buy this and we're going to the shop next door." She demands shutting me up as I groan. I hate wearing dresses at all. I refuse to do it a lot of the time.

She quickly buys the items before she hands me the bag and takes me next door to a dress shop. "Mom you know I can't really wear dresses because of my height and weight." I whisper as she glares at me.

"Bri you're beautiful. Six foot and a hundred and seventy pounds is nothing to be ashamed of. You look like a model and I think this one in particular will look beautiful on you." She tells me while holding up a pink dress.

It's actually not completely horrible but it's color and I wear grey, black, and blue most of the time. "Can't I wear black?" I ask as she throws the pink dress over her arm.

"You are not going to a funeral young lady. Now go put it on." She demands forcing the dress into my hands. I grunt all the way to the dressing room as I change out of my shorts and tee shirt into the pink dress. I'm surprised when I see myself in it though. Mom was right, it fits perfectly.

When I walk out in it my moms whole face brightens. "Okay, this is it. Let's get it in your dads credit card." She tells me while walking up and inspecting the stitches and hem of the dress. She's always done this since I was a little girl with anything I have wanted to buy. Since she worked with my aunt Tatum she's figured out how to know what clothes are worth the money and which ones aren't.

She looks at the material before she nods. "How much is it?" She asks as I pull the tag from the bottom. "It's fifty but I still have money in my account I can get it." I tell her as she rolls her eyes.

"That fifty dollars is the difference between a tank of gas for your car and food for your dinner. Even though you know I'd help you out in whatever way I can. Your dad won't even look at the credit card statement twice with this on it. Let's get it and then we can go to lunch!" She tells me smiling as I change. She ends up buying it for me, along with other clothes for my wardrobe before I can tell her no. She just winks and tells me not to tell my dad.

All in all, the rest of the days perfect and she makes it that much better.


Sitting down on my bed tonight I cut on the TV and watch a reality romance show. That's all I really watch to keep myself entertained most of the time anyway.

I watch the first thirty minutes before my phone rings and I instantly smile as I see it's Kalyn.

"Hey girl!" I demand as she starts, "Bri I miss you so much!" She tells me back as we start our conversation.

"How's the wedding planning? How's Justin? How's everything been? Don't you start work next week too?" I ask all at once.

"Wedding planning is so much harder without you here to help me. Justin is fine but he doesn't know anything about what I want! I start work next week and I'm not looking forward to it at all. I love PT don't get me wrong but I have enjoyed these days off right now. But I'm calling because I heard you have a date!" She tells me as I smile. I agree, I love not having anything to do, but I also love working and helping people who really need it.

"Who told you that?" I exclaim.

"Your mom did and she's so excited. Tell me he's not in college or he doesn't like random cars or something." She tells me as I laugh. The last guy I went on a date with was so immature. He loved sports cars, and he was a sophomore in college. I wasn't impressed at all.

"Nope, Miles seems pretty normal. I've only talked to him a few times but he's really sweet. He's thirty six and a pediatrician." I tell her.

"I already like him better. So what's new?" She asks as I sigh.

"I met a guy who's a complete asshole and now everywhere I go I feel like I see him. But Kalyn, he's the guy that saved me from Weston Milbryers house. You know how he tried to-. Colton Livingston, he saved me and now I saw him and he's so mean to me and he doesn't even recognize who I am. I figured he would have thought or remembered me since he saved me but he doesn't. I wanted to thank him and he's nothing but an asshole." I sigh out.

She starts, "I'm so sorry. Maybe you could ask to sit down and speak with him to explain everything and he'd try and treat you different." She offers as I sigh.

"He thinks I'm stalking him so that's a definite no. He doesn't even realize what he did for me. And Kalyn, he's so hot. I remember him being good looking then, but now. I saw him shirtless and he was covered in baseball clay and my hormones went crazy." I demand as I lay back into my pillows. He's so hot, he's handsome too, but damn I hate him.

"Excuse me, did you just say baseball? Brielle Kingston your dad would skin you alive!" she demands as I start, "I know, I know, but damn he's hot." I whisper as I sigh, "And I'm going on a date with Miles and he's hot too" I demand making her laugh.

"I literally couldn't find a decent man in college and then I see Miles and he's so sweet." I demand as she sighs.

"Well, Justin wasn't what I thought I wanted but I wouldn't change being with him for the world. If you want to date this guy, go for it babe. I'll root for Colton or Mr. Miles" she tells me as I laugh.

"Whatever, I'll call you tomorrow after my date. We'll see how it goes but I don't want to set myself up for failure if he doesn't think I'm good enough." I tell her honestly.

"I know it's probably hard but, it's really worth it when you find your person" she tells me as I sit still.

"How did you know that Justin was different? What clicked on your first date that made you like him? I just want to be prepared for what might happen. Miles is so nice to me and I really think he likes me." I tell her as she starts, "Well, honestly. It wasn't love at first sight. I thought he was sweet and I really liked him too. But eventually it grew and then one day, I was just looking at him and I knew I wanted to marry him. I loved him for weeks before I realized it and now, I wouldn't go back and change anything. So for the first date, just go slow and really get to know him." she tells me as I take it all in.

"Okay, I'll try. I have a really good feeling about him." I whisper to her.

"Good luck, I'll call you tomorrow. Love you Bri!" she tells me as I repeat it back. "Love you!" I demand before hanging up and flipping back over to watch my show.

Brielle's Love (Kingston Spin-off #3) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora