Chapter 26

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Colton's POV

No words. No fucking words can describe how I feel. She's her and I fucking knew it. She remembered and she didn't tell me. I spent years trying to remember the name of that girl, and all I could think of was her brothers and the fact that I knew Grant. I know now, I fucking know.

I was looking for my damn little sister that night at the fucking party. I knew she went, and I was home for the weekend at the time, and I had a gut feeling to go and get her from that party. I found her half drunk on the grass telling me that she saw a girl go upstairs and never come back. I knew what that meant so I marched my big ass up the stairs to go get the sixteen year old girl who was probably drugged. What I didn't expect to see was her laying across the bed sedated as a little fuck pulled her pants off trying to rape her. That triggered something in me that I couldn't explain and I knew I had to save the tiny brunette with the brightest green and blue eyes I had ever seen.

When I got her into my arms she had no idea what was wrong. She just latched on to me, and by the time I was outside with her, my sister was long gone with her stupid ass boyfriend at the time. I ended up finding her again and almost killing her before our parents took all of her shit and made her walk to school for a week. Then nothing like that every happened again.

But not with Bri, I drove her home after finding her address on her cell phone, and asking a few people who she was. But she didn't let go of me as she was physically in shock and emotional. I ended up giving her my black hoodie I wore for good luck when I worked out in college to cover her body up. But I never needed it anyway, and she's the one who still has it.

"COLTON!" She yells behind me running up to me and grabbing my arms.

"I wanted to tell you but I couldn't do it. How was I supposed to? You would have thought I was that little girl you saved and I'm not anymore. You wouldn't have wanted to be with me." She tells me sobbing her eyes out. She looks so sad right now, and I hate it.

"Did you know when we met?" I ask as she softly nods and wipes her tears.

"I thought you wouldn't have forgotten about me, but when the drugs started to wear off, I remembered your face so I dug into Eliza's yearbook and found out who you were at the time. I know I don't look the same anymore but I never got to thank you and I had no idea it was you when I went to the baseball field." She tells me softly.

"You're a damn liar and you didn't tell me." I call her out as she softly nods.

"You know what. I felt sorry all last night for what happened with us and now I don't anymore. You lied to me." I tell her as she wipes her face.

"I'm sorry. You asked questions and I avoided the truth because I love you and I knew once my family found out we would be done. But then you ended us before we ever really started." She whispers to me while rubbing her hands together.

"It came out wrong and you know it. I have assets I have to protect and the only way I will ever get married again is with a prenuptial agreement attached to that shit. That has nothing to do with this now though because I refuse to be with a liar" I demand making her take a step back.

"A liar? Do you know how hard it was to keep my mouth shut because I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you everything but you treated me like garbage and I couldn't be vulnerable and open to getting hurt like that!" She demands as I keep walking past her going towards the dock. I find my hut as I hear her feet behind me.

"Colton do you love me?" She asks stopping as I turn.

"Do you love me at all or was it all fake to you?" She asks wiping her face.

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