Chapter 35

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*Bri's engagement ring!*

*Bri's engagement ring!*

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(6 Months later)


Brielle's POV

Today I'm not working, so I decided why not reorganize the entire closet on my side and Colton's. He's got way to much shit and so do I, so now I'm taking care of it. I've cleaned up the house to my best ability and washed all the clothes while Bentley's at school and Colton's at baseball practice.

Colton's changed. I don't know why, but recently, he's been off. I don't know what it's about but it's off to me. He proposed to me last week and I thought that we'd be planning a wedding right now but we haven't even started because he's been off.

I take all of his clothing out and put them on the island countertop before I start sorting through it. He's been meaning to do it forever anyway, and I'll put what he doesn't wear in a bag and let him look through it before I donate it.

"Bri Can we talk?" I hear behind me as I hear Colton's footsteps as and he looks at what I'm doing. He's home early, and I'm shocked.

He looks like he's been thinking really hard. I immediately drop what I'm doing and come towards him. "What happened?" I ask as I walk up to him and hug him into my shoulder as I rub my fingers though his hair.

"What's going on?" I ask as he sighs into my hair and picks me up by my butt and wraps his arms around my waist. He carries me over to our bed as he sits down with me on his thigh.

"Bri, I love you remember that no matter what." He tells me as I rub his face. "What's wrong?" I ask as I rub his strong chin.

"I can't marry you-." He tells me as my heart stops and instantly tears run from my eyes down to my chin. I don't have words. I feel the vomit from the bottom of my stomach rush up as I get off of his lap only for him to try and grab me. I push his hands off of me and away as I run to the bathroom and lock the door. I instantly sob as I launch myself at the toilet and puke my entire breakfast up.

When I'm done I flush the toilet before washing my face and brushing my teeth. I'm a crying mess as I sob into my shirt only to hear him tapping away. He can't mean that, he can't. There is no way he actually thinks that. I love him, I love him and I know he loves me and this isn't the guy that I fell in love with. I knew something was wrong this past week. I knew it.

"Bri baby open the door." He tells me as I cry into the hand towel sitting down on the tub. I try and stay calm as the the door to the bathroom opens and I see him. Except this time he's got papers in his hands.

"Bri you didn't let me finish. I can't marry you-" he goes to tell me as I stop him. "Stop talking and telling me that you piece of shit!" I demand moving away from him as he locks the bathroom door.

"Baby I can't do it without this." He tells me setting the papers down in front of me as I wipe my tears and look down at the papers. Then I sob harder as I read them. A prenuptial agreement.

Brielle's Love (Kingston Spin-off #3) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now