Chapter 33

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Brielle's POV

Waking up near Colton's chest feels like it was a week ago, perfect in every way possible. He's laying asleep behind me with his arms wrapped around my naked waist as he spoons behind me and I'm laying near his chest. His feet and legs are in between mine, and his mouth is breathing hot air right into my ear.

Last night was magical. It was everything I thought it was going to be, which included getting takeout from a fancy ass restaurant and eating in while watching TV and then going to skinny dip in his pool half drunk from the wine. That turned into heavy making out, which turned into us in bed for five hours having the best sex I could have imagined after a week.

Sighing as he sleeps behind me I look at the clock and it's already twelve in the afternoon. I make it out of his grip as I lean forward and kiss his messy haired forehead. I slip the sheets and covers back over him as he cuddles into the pillow I was laying on. I don't mess with him as I set my bag in his closet and find some clothing. I find a new bra and panty set since he graciously ripped the sides of mine last night. I find one of his big and tall shirts in my bag that looks like a huge dress on me as I look for my pants. Only to remember they're sitting on the kitchen countertop next to the empty take out boxes and spoiled wine.

I find a pair of his boxers and slip them under his shirt as I put on a pair of socks and walk out his bedroom door shutting it softly behind me. I find the kitchen and automatically start cleaning the mess up and taking out the trash as I clean the few dishes and start making him a small lunch since breakfast has already passed.

After looking in his cabinet and smiling as I read the ingredients I start cooking gluten free chicken and spinach pasta. His food is all extremely expensive because of how healthy it is, no wonder he's in such great shape. This must be what he was telling me about with Bentley, everything is gluten, peanut nut butter, and penicillin free along with the outside allergies and animals.

Thinking of it before I forget, I call Kalyn, Lily and Gemma checking on them. I'm cooking for about fifteen minutes when I hear the front door alarm go off and I immediately tense up. Oh my god, who is it?

I walk slightly to the post and look around it as I see Bentley. Oh my god, he can't be. He wasn't supposed to come back until tonight after I left.

"Dad! Grandpa dropped me off and I used my key!" He yells through the house dropping his baseball bag as I hide behind the pantry doors so he can't see me.

"DAD?!" He yells again as I hear grunts. Signature grunts from Colton and his footsteps from the bedroom. "Where's B-, hey buddy." He cuts himself off as he sees Bentley. Colton looks so hot right now, he's just woke up without a shirt on in nothing but athletic shorts as he squats to Bentley's height and kisses his head while hugging him.

"I missed you Bud." He tells him as I grin and Bentley pulls away. "Grandpa said he had to get called into work so I'm back early. Can we go take the tires off the truck in the garage?" He asks him as Colton smiles. He told me that Bentley loves taking and putting car parts back together and about his old truck in the garage that he couldn't get rid of. It's beat up and doesn't work anymore but that doesn't stop Bentley from trying to fix it up to make it run.

"Where's your stuff? Did you take your medicine?" He asks as he nods. "Grandpa gave it to me, my bags are by the door" he tells him as he nods.

"Alright, go put it in your room upstairs for me and I'll unpack them later." He tells him giving him a fist bump as Bentley runs off towards the front door and the stairs. Colton instantly comes into the kitchen as he looks at the stove and I slightly move the pantry door so he sees my face.

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