Chapter 10

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Brielle's POV

I'm staring my first real job today. I'm so excited for it, it's everything I have worked hard for. I'm wearing my new uniform in my mirror right now. A black shirt with a few random buttons at the top with PEX PT written across it. On top of it I have my black pullover with the name written on it as well and since we aren't forced to wear khakis like I was during my training I'm wearing leggings and my boss is totally okay with that. That's why I love my job already, I get to wear gym clothes the whole time and I can help people "workout" while doing the exercises with them.

I think it's going to be one of the best days of my life, and I'm so excited. Grabbing my bag I push my curls down a bit before walking downstairs. I have about an hour before I actually start my 8 to 5 day, I feel like a normal person going to work. I never really had a normal life with the platform my dad was given, and then he gave it to us, so I'm just looking forwards to seeing what the day holds.

When I enter the foyer and main hallway I instantly start smiling as I see a huge banner that my mom made it reads, Happy first day of work Bri! in the biggest and boldest letters ever. When I round the corner her and my dad are standing there with party blowers in there mouths. They blow them at the same time as a smile forms on my face so big I can't contain it.

"HAPPY FIRST DAY!" She exclaims taking the blower out of her mouth as she runs up to me and gives me the biggest hug she can.

"Thanks mom, you don't think this is a little over the top?" I ask looking at the counter full of breakfast foods.

"Absolutely not, I'm so proud of you. Right Trevor?" she asks looking back at my dad as he nods as comes over and gives me a big hug as he kisses the top of my head making my mom smile. When he woke up the morning after my tire blew and found out what happened he was so angry he had went to bed early for the first time in forever. He never goes to sleep until 12 or so at night and he felt horrible about it. But I assured him that one of my friends came and helped me, and he automatically started asking as many questions as possible.

He wanted to know who he was, what he did, if he hurt me, if he messed up my car, if I knew him all that well, everything he could. But I never told him anything other than that he was one of Keegan's friends who came and helped me out. I didn't tell him about my major crush on Colton, or about the fact that we made out and I orgasmed for what felt like two minutes but ended up being the best thing of my life. I tried calling him, I tried texting him, but he wouldn't respond and after a few tears, I was okay with it. I mean we weren't even dating, but I do care about him. I wouldn't have kissed him if I didn't have feelings for him, but I think my emotions are mixed.

Everyone says there's a thin line between loving and hating someone and I think I just had my thoughts confused. Especially when he turned back into an asshole after my lips were swollen and I had to cover the love bites across the base of my neck.

I'm with Miles though and I should feel happy with him, I should feel like I'm in a relationship with a guy I really care about and I do. I really do care about him and he's so sweet but it's not what Colton makes me feel. I just don't know what to do about my feelings anymore.

"I am so proud of you Bri. Who knew my little girl would be the best kick ass PT in Georgia?" He asks making me smile as I look up at him. I just want a man that reminds me of my dad, he's sweet to my mom, he treats me good and loves me, and most importantly he's always been here for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on.

"Thanks dad but, I do think you're here for mom's breakfast." I tell him laughing as he nods and taps my moms behind.

"Of course I am, she can cook. She even made your favorite." He tells me as I turn around and look at the stove. She's cooked bacon, blueberry pancakes, cut up fruit, grits, and eggs. Everything that I love to eat for breakfast.

Brielle's Love (Kingston Spin-off #3) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now