Chapter 7

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Colton's POV

Driving Bentley to his moms house, he's adamant about not going. Bentley's just like me, but he hates going to see his mom with a passion. I married her five years ago when I was a different person but now, she's made me so bitter I can't stand women. She's the devil with blonde hair and red heels and as far as I'm concerned she's a mistake but Bentley's not because I love that little dude.

"Daddy can we play baseball when I get back?" He asks from the backseat as I nod. "Yeah bud, but be good for mama." I tell him as he rolls his eyes. He hates his mom and I don't know why. I've never told him what happened between us. All he knows is that we don't live together anymore and we have been divorced for over five years so he can't remember what happened since he's only six. Harper got pregnant with Bentley while we were messing around and she wanted to be a housewife. She was for a few years, until I found out she'd been taking my money and giving it to her family without my permission and she'd been handing Bentley off to any babysitter that he could go to. That ended our marriage and I made the mistake of never getting a prenuptial agreement and she took half of everything.

I'm 32 now, and I'm never making that mistake again. Not marriage or losing my money, not when Bentley needs to go to college and get raised.

"Daddy she's so mean." He demands behind me as I nod. I know she is and I hate taking him to be with her on the weekends. I hate when I leave for games or when he's stuck with Harper since she's married to another man now and sucks his dick more than taking care of our son.

"What about we go racing after I come and get you Sunday morning?" I ask as he smiles and nods. Good boy, he loves cars. He takes the small ones he has apart and puts them back together on his own and he loves when I take my truck to get the tires changed. He just wants to watch the whole thing so he learns as much as he can.

"I don't like Fred." He tells me as I laugh and keep driving. Fred's her new old fuck with more money up his ass than shit. I like to mess with her about her old dick though, Fred, that name is horrible.

"Bud it's going to be fine. It's only two days while I'm out of town and you know I'm going to miss you. Look at my arm in this sling. You think I'm going to have fun without you?" I ask as he smiles. I threw my arm out at practice a few days ago and it's been in a sling ever since. I'm letting it heal before I start pitching again next week. I don't care what a physical therapist says, I refuse to do that shit. I have a son to feed.

"Nope, but you promised you'd get me a new bat!" He tells me as I nod. "I will, but you have to be good for mama for the weekend." I tell him again.

I keep driving one handed as he nods. When I pull up into his mother's mansion he fights me getting out of the truck as I take his bag in my good arm. Time he's out I grab his back walking him to the door.

"I love you B" I bend down to his height and kiss the top of his head as he hugs my legs. He pulls me down to his height as he latches onto my shoulders.

"Daddy don't leave me here." He demands as I sigh. God I don't want to, I hate leaving him here but she got custody every other weekend when we went to court. She didn't even want Bentley, I didn't even have to fight her that hard for him.

She opens the door as I glare at her head and fist bump him. "I'll see you later champ. Call me tonight." I tell him as he walks towards her he waves to me as she pulls him into the house and he runs to his room upstairs without telling her anything. Harper doesn't know I give him a phone every-time he comes to her house because I don't trust her anymore. She was my wife for a whole year and I made that mistake of trusting her, never again.

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