Chapter 6

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Brielle's POV

Miles makes me feel like the most beautiful and important woman he's ever been around. After buying two pizzas, one that's completely cheese for me, and one that's pineapple for him, we're sitting in the back of his truck watching the geese on the lake from the town we live in right on the outskirts of Atlanta. He lifted me up without even taking a breathe and I was shocked as hell.

I'm a hundred and seventy pounds and he shocked me when he lifted me up without blinking. He's also taller than me, which with men, doesn't happen all that often.

"So how's being a pediatrician?" I ask him as he finishes up his second piece of pizza.

"Really great. I love kids, I work the night shift and on the weekends so I spend most of my time with them after their parents have left and they just want to stay up all night with me. I want to have as many as I can one day" He tells me as I smile.

"What about Physical Therapy? When do you start?" He asks. "In about a week, I'm looking forward to having a real job. I just moved back in with my parents to be closer to it." I tell him as he nods.

"So as many as you can? What number is that?" I ask talking about children as he smiles at me. "Well, however many my wife wants to have with me." He tells me as I nod.

"She better be ready then." I agree as he laughs. "You know I wouldn't have asked you on a date if I didn't think you had the potential." He tells me as I choke on my pizza.

"Miles! Really?" I ask as he nods.

"I'm thirty six and I don't want to wait that much longer." He tells me as I glare at him. He is a lot older than me, but he seems mature.

"How long are you thinking?" I ask as he smiles. "Two years is the absolute maximum of time I'm waiting. That gives us enough time to date, then get married, then have kids."

"Us? We're literally on a first date and who said that I'd do that with you?" I ask as he nods.

"Solid point, so answer me this. Why's are you still single at 26?" He asks as I look down at my hands. I really like him and his personality and I think he's amazing. But there isn't room for us to talk about my experiences with guys on our first date.

"I haven't found a guy I thought was the one I wanted to marry and have a family with. No offense to you but men are immature, and they play games around women. I just want to be with someone who won't waste my time. I also was really focused on getting my masters and going to PT school." I tell him honestly.

"I get that, I'm right there with you. I was more focused on medical school than I was on anything else. I had a fiancé and we ended up breaking apart, had another fiancé and she left me, and then my last fiancé made me crazy. " He tells me as I nod. Three of them, that's a big red flag for me.

"What do you want then?" He asks as he finishes his pizza and closes the box. He takes a sip of water before he looks over at me.

"You're serious?" I ask pushing my hair away from my face as he nods.

"Fine, I want a man who wants me. I want a man who isn't intimidated by who I am and a man that sees me as his equal. I don't want to feel like I'm being used, manipulated, or heartbroken when I know there's a man somewhere that will love me for me. I'm self conscious a lot of the time about who I am, and I want someone who embraces me and isn't scared to be with me or around my family. I just want true love." I demand as he shakes his head.

"You just read my mind. Well, not the man part just replace that with Brielle Kingston." He tells me as I blush.

"If we do this, do you promise to be honest with me and I'll do the same for you." I tell him as he nods. He reaches over to me and slides until his thigh is touching mine as he reaches up and softly grabs my face.

Brielle's Love (Kingston Spin-off #3) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora