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*Colton's new look*

*Colton's new look*

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(8 months later)


Brielle's POV

"Can I have brother?" Bentley randomly asking sitting next to me as my mouth drops. I have no words for what my eight year old stepson just asked me. I look over at Colton laying in his recliner watching TV as he laughs.

Colton and I got married three months ago and I'm ready for a baby. I know I am but we haven't even talked about getting pregnant soon. Colton's busy with work, and I'm busy with work while Bentley's always at school or playing baseball.

"What makes you ask that Bent?" I ask him as he sighs next to me. "Mom I want someone to play ball with who isn't you or dad" he tells me as I look at Colton again.

"Yeah mom he wants a brother." Colton tells me cutting off the TV as he leans up laughing. He looks over at me with his newly developed beard. He loves that thing and I don't mind it but it feels odd between my legs while he's eating me out. I don't know how I feel about it yet, it's odd but I never leave the bedroom unsatisfied and I can grab his face by his beard and get what I want most of the time.

"Dad and I will have to talk about it." I tell him as he takes off his baseball cap and sits it on the table. I fold the laundry in my lap and make Colton fold half as I throw all his clothes at him.

"Bent go do your homework and we'll call you down for dinner." Colton tell him while folding his pants as he nods and goes off towards the stairs to do his homework. I know what this means, we're having a talk. A talk about babies.

"So, babies?" He asks me as I play with the dishtowel in my hands.

"You know how I feel about having kids." I tell him as he nods at me and rubs his beard. "Well, I'm not getting any younger. We don't use protection so stop taking your birth control and let's make a baby." He tells me as my mouth drops.

"I have been asking for a baby for almost five months and I always get a 'not yet, and maybe not right now' and then time Bentley asks you want a child?!" I ask him as he laughs.

"I've been thinking about it for a few months. I want to, but I don't want a little girl. She's going to be a bad little thing that gets me arrested." He tells me as I stand and move over to the recliner as I sit down on his lap and rub his hand with his wedding band.

"You do know we don't get to pick? But, you're right. It won't be long before I'm out of my baby making stage with my PCOS and I want one with you old guy." I pick at him as I rub his beard. I love to mess with him about being five years from forty.

"We'll work on it tonight then." He tells me as I smile at him. We're going to start trying, for a baby and I'm so excited. "I can't wait" I whisper smiling to him as I kiss his cheek and then kiss his eyelids.

Brielle's Love (Kingston Spin-off #3) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now