Chapter 34

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(Eight weeks later)


Brielle's POV

I signed the paper, after heavy convincing from Colton that he was okay, I signed his release papers. But something, something just doesn't feel right about it. I know he's worked so hard these last two months, and he wanted to play in his first real game of the season today but, I just don't know. I love him, and I don't want to see him get hurt. I just have a feeling that this could be the day he does and it'd be all my fault.

So now, I'm sitting with Bentley in the stands of the baseball field trying to calm myself down enough to where I'm fine. Colton makes me fall harder and deeper in love with him everyday, and I know he's the only guy I want to be with, for the rest of my life. But I just want him to be okay, to be safe, and to be healthy most of all.

"Are you ready to watch your dad play?" I ask as Bentley rests into the side of my chest. The poor little man was with his mom yesterday, and Colton and now he looks so exhausted.

"I'm so tired" he tells me yawning as I take the extra jacket out of my bag and set it across my shoulder. I throw my arms around his body as he rests into the side of the jacket on my boob. I never thought I'd be doing this either. Being a mom comes so naturally to me, I take Bentley to school sometimes and pick him up to go eat together, and I love him.

He's so much like Colton with his smart and cocky attitude but then, he's got the soft side to him that took me a while to find in Colton. Bentley honestly feels like he's half mine though, and I think him being so nice to me has helped with that. Well, that and the fact that I play baseball and throw with him. Something Colton doesn't necessarily have time for now that he's practicing fully again. I miss seeing Colton all day though, and I had to put my selfish tendency to keep him with me to the side so he could play baseball, it was so hard for me to give up the time we had in therapy though.

We told the press about us yesterday, and now they're swarming us like fly's on horse shit. It's awful, and I hate it because they make me seem like a gold digger, and someone like Harper. When in reality, I have more money in my bank account that Colton does. I've been saving my pay checks, and I haven't been spending unnecessary money because I've been looking for my own place. Colton's dropped hints about me moving in with him and Bentley and even Bentley has but I don't want to rush what we have because it's special to me.

"So what did you do at mamas?" I ask him rubbing his back softly. "I looked in the woods for frogs" he tells me as I laugh. "With dad?" I ask him as he nods.

"Mama doesn't like frogs, won't even touch them like you Bri." he tells me as I laugh. One rainy day when I came over, Colton was so sick he couldn't move. Turns out he had influenza, but it was wet outside so I decided to take Bentley looking for frogs in the property behind Colton's house. Turns out, I'm the best frog hunter ever, even better than Colton.

"Well, next time it rains we're going to look for frogs without your dad because his big feet scare them away." I tell him as he smiles. We look over and see Colton warming up as the seats fill and we sit quietly. Colton looks so good in his baseball hat, white pants, and navy and red shirt. The only thing missing from the picture now is that Presley was supposed to be sitting next to me by now.

"Bri can I ask you something?" he asks as I nod. "Yeah buddy, anything you want" I tell him as I rub down his back softly. "Why aren't you my mom?" he asks as my face pales.

"Bentley you weren't made in my tummy, you were made in your mamas, but that doesn't mean that I can't be your mom one day. One day if your dad and I ever get married I'll be your step mom and you can call me mom, or whatever you want. But Bentley just because you came out of your mamas belly doesn't mean that she's a real mom. Mom's take care of their children and love them, and make them feel special." I whisper to him as I lean down and kiss the top of his head.

Brielle's Love (Kingston Spin-off #3) ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα