Chapter 13

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Colton's POV

Tonight's about speeding time with Bentley, even if I can't quit thinking about Bri. I know she means something to me. I know she does and it's killing me, she's tough, she's strong, she's beautiful and I'm a dick who really can't tell her that because I'm terrified of rejection, getting hurt, or not being enough. And so is she and I know she is, I know she cares about me.

But she's with that dick that looks at me like he's intimidated and he should be. I'm going to get her, whether that's for a week, ten minutes, or just three times a week for PT. She's got to know how I feel. I might not be able to say it, but I'll show her. I know we're supposed to hate each other but I don't hate her anymore. I haven't since we made-out and she orgasmed in the front seat of my truck. The sweetest and hottest orgasm I think I have ever heard, and it took everything in me not to cum in my pants that instant.

"What you doing bud?" I ask Bentley from the stove cooking dinner. He's sitting in the living room doing something as I make us something to eat. Tonight's dinner is chicken breasts, green beans, and box Mac and cheese since he begged for it, he's getting the lactose free and low sodium kind though. This is what I was talking about with his mom, just caring enough to know his diet would be important but she doesn't care. She's never going to care.

He doesn't answer immediately as I walk into the living room to see him occupied under the coffee table playing with his mini baseball game set up. "Dinners ready" I tell him as he jumps up. Bentley eats more than I do, he's always hungry and loves to eat.

I follow him into the kitchen as he waits for me to make his plate and take it to the dinner table. I sit it down before sitting next to him as he prays, which is something that my mom and I taught him before he starts eating his mac and cheese.

"So how was grandmas house today?" I ask as he nods. He sees my mom all the time since she lives only ten minutes away. My dad left my mom after I made it to professional league baseball. She got diagnosed with PCOS, making her gain over a hundred pounds and now that she's two hundred and twenty pounds he doesn't want anything to do with her. But she can't help it, and she's always going to be my mom and I love her.

They had their issues and I always knew it was going to happen but they were together longer than I thought they were. He lives about and hour away, but he sees Bentley once a month at least.

"She made strawberry cookies." He tells me as I smile. They were lactose free cookies from a non-peanut company most likely but she likes to lie about it and I just don't call her out on it.

"So I need to talk to you about something Bud." I tell him as he keeps eating his food and glances up at me. I got the paperwork from my lawyer today after therapy with Bri. I'm fighting Harper for full custody rights without visitation and I just don't want to make that decision without Bentley being apart of it. That is his mom, even if she almost killed him, can't stand him, and treats him like shit. I got another set of papers to, the second set only allows her to see him when I'm present.

"Daddy went and got some papers today. If mama signs these papers you won't ever see her again. Or she can only see you if I'm there. So daddy won't leave you there anymore, I'll stay the whole time and you'll come home at night." I tell him as he stares at me blankly.

"Mama gave me pizza." He tells me as I nod. "You can't have that pizza it makes you sick, you remember." I tell him as he nods. I do, I had to stick my fingers down his throat to make him puke the food up. He's been allergic to lactose since he drank milk for the first time and Harper and I ended up spending the night with him in the emergency room making sure he was okay. The next day we found out about all his allergies as had a list of them made. Peanuts and milk were at the top of list, next was moss, cat dandruff, and any type of penicillin. 

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