Chapter 23: Introverted Wallflower

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Clare's POV: 

"Favorite book?", Mitch asked, his eyes shining of curiosity.

"The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. What's your favorite food ever?", I asked him. 

"I love pancakes, like you have no idea. If it's 5 in the morning, and I smell pancakes, I run downstairs, and I mean run faster than if I someone was chasing me with a silver bow and arrows", Mitch said and we laughed. 

It was very late at night. We got back from our picnic a few hours ago and now we lay in his room on the floor, talking about each other. 

"Are you an introvert or an extrovert?", Mitch smiled sweetly but he already knew the answer. 


"I like-no I love the idea of having a wallflower as a mate." Mitch then pulled me into his lap, hugging my waist. 

"Why would you want an introverted girlfriend?"

"Because wallflowers are shy and cute and they wear huge sweaters and they drink hot tea and they don't mind watching Netflix for very long periods of time. I love that." Mitch explained and I knew he wasn't joking because of the expression on his face.  

I could feel the pink spread over my cheeks and then I saw Mitch smile and pull me into a kiss. 

A knock sounded at the door. 

"Clare! We have to get ready for the Luna Welcoming Party!", Remi squealed. 

I gasped and Mitch laughed at my expression. "I almost forgot!", I yelled at I dashed to the door. 

"You forget your becoming of the Luna position in the most powerful pack of Canada?" Mitch asked curiously. 

"You distracted me with the date.", I said. 

Mitch smiled and said, "I'll see you when you're ready."

"Okay.", I whispered and I ran out to Remi. 

"Omigod, I haven't seen you in like two days. Let's get ready!", and Remi dragged me into her room to curl my hair, do my makeup and find my dress. 

Once again, I looked in the mirror at the finished product. I looked stunning, the shiny, black curls falling seamlessly over my shoulders and down my back. I had a little bit of mascara and nude lipstick on and of course, the beautiful white dress. The dress had skinny straps and flowed out at the end a little bit. Remi added a golden, goddess-looking headband to my look and to add on to that theme, I put on golden strapped sandals. 

The entire outfit was perfect and I couldn't think of anything better to wear for my becoming of Luna ceremony. 

//a few hours later//

As Remi and I waited in her room we ended up learned a lot about each other. I learned that she loved art and had a soft spot for one of the betas in the pack, but I would never tell. I told her about my past and she even cried a little, but we cleaned up. 

Mitch knocked on the door another half an hour later. "Okay--whoa, you look gorgeous.", and he walked over and hugged me, pulling me into his chest tightly. I smiled and blushed a little and Remi took hold of my hand because I had also told her how nervous I was because of this ceremony. 

"The guests are all waiting downstairs, they are super excited to meet you and I think we're all ready, are you ready to do this, Clare?", Mitch asked and I knew he was so excited to finally have me as the Luna of his pack, his family, and his friends. 

"I'm ready. Thank you so much Remi, and I'll see you soon." I said and turned to the door, breathing in deeply. 

"I'll hold your hand the entire time.", Mitch said as he reached down, intertwined his fingers with mine and gave my hand a squeeze. I nodded in reply and together we walked out of the room.

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