Chapter 13: Little Fighter

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A/N: Anything in italics is mind-link and Will's hair is now blond, not brown. ;) Will is Evan Peters, btw #americanhorrorstory

"Omigod, Will, stop!" I whined playfully. 

"Never!", Will yelled while I laughed harder. 

Will and I found another creek and Will decided we should relax a little. After the fight, we both had a few bloody scratches here and there, but not serious ones. As I was taking a drink of water, Will's brown wolf shoved me into the deeper part of the creek. 

"Will, we should be running to Blood Lust. Mitch is looking for me, I sense it.", I pleaded while looking into his eyes. 

"You're right, your mate is worried about you. Come on, Little Fighter."

I sneered, pulling my top lip up. "Little Fighter?" I questioned. 

Will's wolf looked at me, "Yeah, because you seem little and weak but hell, you can fight." 

I nodded and looked away. Then, I started running, Will on my trail. Together we ran. 

Before we crossed the territory border, Will's wolf nudged me. 

"I still have feelings for you, you were the only girl at Cold Creek that ever looked at me like a real wolf. Like I was worth it. I hope you understand that, and I understand that you have a mate, but can we always be friends? No matter what?", Will asked. I could see the hope in his eyes. 

"Of course, Will. Whatever happens, we'll always have each other."

"Okay, Little Fighter. Now let's go see that worried-to-death mate of yours." 

We both placed our front paws over the border. 

'We're home.', Tris said.


So, I made a really short chapter just as a little filler of what happens between Will and Clare when they go to Blood Lust, and also I wanted to add a picture of Will.


This book will be updated frequently, with many short chapters. 

So don't get all angry when I don't update long chapters, I don't have much time and I myself, like short paragraphs, short chapters, but I do love lot's of them. 

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