Chapter Five: Pure

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I quietly walked down the stairscase that led to the first floor. I watched my steps as I walked, making sure I didn't trip and cause trouble. I let my hand slide over the hand-crafted, cherry wood banisters. When I reached the bottom, I examined my surrounding carefully, just in case I got in trouble. I was in the living room, there were two couches, a recliner, and a giant flat screen on the wall. The carpet was completely white. I noticed a arch led to probably the kicthen. I saw cherry wooden flooring, granite counters, a sink, and a stove. The rest of the kicthen/dining room was blocked because of a wall. I noted the front door, it looked very detailed and expensive. Then my eyes widened at the 5 various locks on the door. There was also a little hole. I tip-toed over to the arch, I peeked around the corner. I saw the back of a young woman with long, curly, brown hair. She was wearing a pretty, yellow sun dress and black flats. I stepped a foot into the kictchen. Before I knew it, a floor board creaked and the woman turned around. She was very beautiful, but she has to be Mitch's mom. She smiled widely at me.

"You must be Clare, I've heard my son talk much about you. You're so beautiful.", she smiled kindly at me. I smiled back at her, blushing a little.

"Thanks..."I didn't know what I should call her.

"My name is Marissa, you can call me mom, if you want to.", she stepped closer.

"I haven't had a mom for a very long time." I sighed and before I knew it, we were hugging like we were daughter and mother. My mom promised me that she'd come back for me. I don't know if that promise still stands. She could be dead. Marissa hugged me tightly before I felt her grip loosen. Ilet go of her and stepped back.

"I'm sorry, I miss my mom." I smiled shyly.

Marissa gave me a sympathetic look,"Where is your mom?"

"I don't know. I don't even know if she's dead or alive." Marissa and I sat down at a nice dining table and I told her how my mom left me in the Cold Creek Pack's territory. Marissa listened carefully and nodded. I was glad I could talk to someone other than Mitch. I wasn't completely okay with telling Mitch my life story yet. He may kill someone.

"I have to finish lunch for the pack. Did Mitch tell you about the pack meet, you are the new Luna." I gasped at the last word. I was the new Luna. I felt dizzy.

"Can I go outside, I need to take a run." I asked. Marissa nodded and pointed to a siding glass door in the back ofthe room. I pushed the door to the side and stepped outside. I took a deep breath, inhaling the wood's fragrence. The back of the three story house was engulfed in the forest. I walked a little but into the wood's before undressing and stuffing my clothes into a fallen hollow log. I inhaled again. I started shifting, my bones cracked and a familar pain sprouted through my body. I gasped. I haven't shifted in years. I saw my hands stretch into paws with long nails. When I finished shifting, I ran over to a creek. I looked at my watery reflection. I was a pure white wolf with one black spot on the back of my ear. I guess, it was from my dad's pure black wolf. My mother was a white wolf. She had/has a black patch over her left eye. 

"I had forgotten what I looked like." Tris whispered happily.

"Me too." I said through mind link.

I heard a branch snap behind me. I smelled a male wolf. I turned around to see a pure black wolf. 

Through mind link I heard Mitch say, "Pure."

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