Chapter 34: Remi's Recovery

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Chapter 34:

Clare's POV:

After our ridiculously hilarious yet repetitive game of 'Tag', Mitch and I decided to go visit Remi while she rested in the pack doctor's house. Together we walked hand and hand down the quiet road, the only sound heard was the birds singing and the occasional rustle of branches. We decided against driving since the pack doctor's house was only about 2 miles away. The high waist black shorts I'm wearing are now tethered towards the bottom and there's a small rip towards the back. I had also quickly put on a black tank top before left. The once bouncing curls that I had worn only hours ago, were now sloppy, loose waves and my Chuck Taylor's were worn and dirty.

A few times, I caught Mitch scanning my body up and down. Not in a perverted way though, I could see his eyes filled with worry. I gave his hand a quick squeeze and his golden eyes met mine and the world seemed to pause, but I, of course, stumbled over a pot hole in the road and regained my balance. Mitch laughed in this indescribable way, after hearing it, I was 98% happier than I was thirty seconds ago. I looked over at him, he was wearing a black V-neck with tan shorts and black Chuck Taylor's. We looked extremely similar and it made me smile. His hair was messy and his golden eyes were gleaming with strength, love and worry all at the same time.

Finally, we were only seconds away from walking up the driveway of the pack doctor's house. The house had white siding and had a very 'American politic' feel about it. Mitch opened the glass door and knocked powerfully on the wooden, white door. A few seconds later, a middle aged man appeared. He had darker hair and was about 6 feet tall. His eyes were dark green and he looked sophisticated in a pair of glasses that he wore. A white coat was draped across his shoulders and I could tell that he knew exactly what he was doing.

The man smiled a set of perfect teeth before reaching out to shake Mitch's hand, "Hello Alpha Mitch", then he looked over to me, "and who is this lovely, young lady?"

I quickly smiled and shook his hand before answering, "I'm Clare, Mitch's mate."

"Nice to meet you. I'm David. You can call me 'Doctor' if you prefer." David said proudly.

"Could we see Remi?" Mitch asked, sorrow crowding his eyes.

"Of course, Alpha. Follow me."

We followed David throughout the house to a medium sized room. The walls were white and a bed was centered in the middle against the back wall. I counted 5 windows and I could even see chairs for visitors. As I stepped into the room, I saw someone I wouldn't have expected.

Will sat in the chair, his eyes carefully focused on Remi's sleeping body. I could feel Mitch go rigid next to me and I quickly grabbed his hand to calm him down.

"Will? What are you doing here?" I asked as I stepped towards him.

"I'm here to see Remi..I need to tell you guys something..I didn't notice it at first since I'm an Omega and such but a few days ago, I smelled this amazing scent and I followed it and found Remi. When I touch her, these little shocks go through my body. Remi's my mate." Will said quietly.

I knew my eyes had lit up. Surely if Will was Remi's mate, he could heal her faster and bring her out of the coma. Mitch sort of calmed down when he heard that, he knew Will could help then.

Mitch took one step forward and pointed at Will, staring him down, "Break my sister and I'll break your face. Got it?" Mitch warned. Will nodded before saying, "Yes, Alpha Mitchell."

"I've waited here for days, watching over her. I don't know what to do, Doctor David has never dealt with this sort of problem before. I've tried touching her, talking to her, everything. But the only response I get back is snores and mumbles. I need help, please. I can't let her go."

"We'll figure something out, but right now, we have a pack to tend to. Watch over my sister, William." Mitch said before walking out.

"I will." Will replied.

Mitch and I walked back home, we talked about possible possibilities of Remi waking up. But we came up with nothing good or worth trying.

But hell, I knew I wouldn't stop.

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