Chapter 31: Sweet Revenge

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Mitch's P.O.V: (Photo is Luke)

Josh's wolf was amazing. Josh's wolf was entirely onyx black, his left ear had a white fleck on the top of it and his eyes were a deep lavender. Not to mention, his wolf was huge, almost larger than mine.

" I"ve been looking for him for hours. I know he's cowering somewhere." I replied.

Josh lifted his head and sniffed the air, searching for a scent. After a moment, he shook his head and looked down.

"Do you know of a girl named Clare?" Josh asked, his eyes turning a darker shade of violet.

I growled, "She's my mate."

"Clare's my sister. Our mother abandoned us a long time ago at Cold Creek. One day, Luke kicked me out of the pack. I was forced to leave her behind. I know what they did to her and I'm here to avenge her." Josh said.

"Well I guess we'll both have fun beating the crap out of Luke. Let's go."

Josh and I crossed the border of Blood Lust and began searching for Luke.


After hours of searching, I sniffed the ground and smelled an Alpha wolf that had walked passed minutes ago. Josh growled with anticipation. Josh and I began running ahead at full speed, expected an attack from Luke any moment. A branch snapped and before Mitch knew it, Luke had pinned him and was snapping crazily at his throat. Josh launched himself into the air at Luke, tackling him to the dirt next to Mitch. Luke stopped struggling as he realized there was no point in struggle. Josh was too strong for Luke.

"Miss me, Lucas?" Josh mind linked to Luke.

"Where's your little sister? Have you seen the ugly scars I've left upon her? She's a prize, you see, and I need her as a trophy for my pack. Mia was never suitable for a mate. Clare is the only one. Her as my Luna will create the strongest and finest pack of Canada. Now get off of me." Luke growled before thrashing beneath Josh. I walked over, stepping on Luke's throat and pushing down.

"Why would a girl like her ever want anything to do with a cruel man like you? She's my mate, forget it." I said.

"Stupid boys. I've raised a pack of 200 rouges that are ready to seize your empire, murder your men, women and children and bring my precious Clare to me. You have many more problems to worry about than me." Luke spat and let out a horrific, crazy laugh.

"Fine, then doing this should be easy." I said as I powerfully snapped Luke's neck. Josh yipped and stepped off of Luke's body.

"I wanted to do that too, you know." Josh said, walking towards the borders.

"I promised myself I would. Sorry."

"Let's go find Clare and alert the men of the rouge attack." Josh and I dashed off into the woods. As soon as we approached the south gate exit, we both knew something was horribly off. Quinn lay dead on the ground and the gate was opened.

Josh sniffed the air, "Rouges", and they both darted into the tunnels. In the main cavern, the entire place was trashed, water bottles everywhere, food all over the ground, and torn clothing lay towards the tunnel across from us. I let out a growl. Then, a muddy brown wolf turned from the wall and bared his ugly, rotten teeth. Josh charged full force, knocking the rouge down. Then, he quickly killed the rouge in anger of Clare's absence.

"She must have led them away. Come on." I said. I was proud of her. As a Luna, she put her pack before herself. "I'll take the left tunnel." Josh nodded and headed off into the right tunnel. One of us was going to find her and one of us was going to find the women and children As a ran down the left tunnel, I made sure to stay in wolf form. I was weaker in human form and if I found Clare, rouges would be present. Hopefully, I found her. I know it sounds selfish but Clare is my mate and without her, my wolf and I would go insane.

Finally, I caught a scent other than dirt and mold. As the scent grew, my realization of blood grew. I whipped my head towards the scent of blood and growled. But quickly realized that there was nothing but a wolf's dead body. The wolf was red and was smaller than Clare's wolf. What wolf would have fake, red hair?


Who had killed Mia? Why would anyone want to hurt her?

Clare's gonna be devastated.

I kept moving along, going deeper and deeper into the tunnel. Some of the overhead lights had burned out, resulting in darkness. But wolves could see better at night. I hoped that Clare was in wolf form, it would be easier to find her.

Suddenly, I heard a whimper and my heart raced. I automatically knew it was Clare. No one else could make my heart race like that. I ran faster, but I made sure to keep low and stay on the sides of the tunnel. A growl erupted from another wolf and I smelled rogue.

A small rogue crept on the right of the tunnel, her teeth shown, her hackles raised. I knew she was afraid. Probably one of the rogues that were forced to join. She had no idea where I was, so as she had her face turned away from me, I pounced. Her head whipped back towards me but it was too late. I finished the kill and moved on.

Where are you Clare?

I walked along, I kept my head down, making sure to sniff the ground. I caught a scent of Clare and pushed ahead. Water dripped from the ceiling and the cracked stone walls were laced with moss and mold. I noticed the tunnel opened up into a cavern in about 100 feet. The cavern was much more lit than the rest of the tunnel.

"Looking for Clare, Alpha?" A deep raspy voice called throughout mind link. Before I could react, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and I fell into the dirt.

Everything went dark.

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