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danger is sweet

CHAPTER FIFTEEN— danger is sweet

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          RHEA SHUT THE DOOR BEHIND HER AND LEFT TOM TO HIS OWN DEVICES. She combed her fingers through her hair and sat down on her bed, choosing to ignore the person standing in the corner of the room watching her with a sad expression on his face. 

Like the others, he'd go away when the sun came up and she'd live in the few hours of blissful ignorance when he wasn't appearing to her in the middle of the night. He was always there, watching her and waiting for her to speak to him, but she refused. Not all ghosts needed to be talked to, so Rhea closed her eyes and slept soundlessly through the night.

As expected her ghost was gone when she woke up the next morning to the sound of two crows cawing outside her window. Rhea descended down the stairs when she was dressed and into the dining room where everyone was already gathered and being served breakfast. Even Tom was busy engaging in conversation with Rialta.

"Good morning, Rhea." Elvira greeted her when she noticed Rhea's quiet footsteps enter the room.

"Good morning, grandmother." Rhea said. She sat down in the seat on the other side of Tom, who only briefly glanced at her as a sign of acknowledgment.

"Rhea," Rialta said, grabbing the girl's attention as she put jam on her toast. "Why don't you show Tom around the town today? You can take him to that bakery you love."

Rhea tensed and paused, gripping the butter knife tightly in her hand before she agreed. Rialta hadn't noticed her hesitation, but Tom had seen it clear as day. Rhea didn't want Tom having any more information about her personal life to use against her in the future. 

"What about me? What am I going to do?" Pluto asked.

"Watch over your cousins, of course." Callista said. Pluto eyed Tabitha, Sybil, and Apollo apprehensively before turning to Rhea.

"Wanna trade?"

"No way." Rhea said. "Now, pay up, brother."

Pluto sighed and placed the galleons in her hand from the bet they made the previous night.

Rhea ate her breakfast quicker than usual, not wishing to spend more time with her extended family than she had to. 

"Abraxas never told me that you and him lived in the same place." said Tom when they walked through the large, ornate gate that separated Hel House from Wiltshire.

"The Malfoys hardly ever leave Malfoy Manor to go into town and we live on opposite sides so our family's don't interact with one another." Rhea explained. Tom stared at a Muggle who passed them by while staring up at the large structure of Hel House in awe.

"The House has no magic to hide it from Muggles . . ."

"No. They can walk up to it too and go inside if they chose, but if they stay for too long then the House will take matters into its own hands. Mere Muggles can't handle the ghosts inside there."

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