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let them hate so long as they fear

CHAPTER ELEVEN— let them hate so long as they fear

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              RHEA LOOKING DOWN AT DRUELLA ROSIER WITH AN EXPRESSION OF INTENSE DISLIKE. The girl slept peacefully, unaware of Rhea's presence. It was a shame Druella proved to be such a disloyal troll because Rhea had nearly liked her — not as much as she liked Persephone or Seraphina, but Druella was up there. Now, she was scum to Rhea. She was so worried about pleasing Riddle that she was willing to let her "friend" die at his hand with no worries or remorse whatsoever. Rhea couldn't have that.

She knew that her father wanted her to keep a low profile — to keep up the façade that she was one of the good Slytherins who kept her head down and was kind to everyone, but she couldn't stand for this act of betrayal and she needed Druella to understand that too. It didn't help that Tom was standing over her shoulder, watching her like a hawk to see what would happen. Admittedly, Rhea felt a bit of a desire to prove herself to him to show him that she wasn't to be trifled with. She meant what she said when she told Tom she hadn't forgotten that he had orchestrated the whole plan to lure her into the Chamber and have the Basilisk kill her. She'd get back at him, too, in due time.

Rhea glanced over at the sleeping figures of Walburga, Persephone, and Davina. Seraphina slept in a separate room since there could only be five of them, but the three were sound asleep and oblivious to what was happening a few feet away from them. Rhea waved her hand, mumbling a spell underneath her breath that would keep them from waking. She reached her hand out and entangled her hand in Druella's hair.

Druella began to stir slowly. The peaceful expression on Rhea's face turned into one of rage when she tightened her grip. Druella cried out in pain, her eyes shooting open, and Rhea dragged her off the bed by her hair.

"Rhea, stop! What are you doing? STOP!" Druella cried out, struggling against Rhea's grip but it was ironclad. Rhea dragged Druella to the middle of the room and looked down at the girl. Fury was in her eyes and she had a lot of pent up aggression that she had been dying to unleash. Druella stammered as she glanced between Tom and Rhea.

"Have I not made myself clear enough?" Rhea asked. She looked at Druella's left leg and Druella cried out in agony when the bone twisted and snapped. "I thought I was your friend, Druella."

"You are my friend, Rhea, you are!" Druella sobbed. 

Rhea looked at Druella's elbow and watched with a sadistic amount of glee when it bent and snapped. Druella cried out harder.

"Some friend you are." Rhea said, circling Druella like a hawk watching its prey. Fat tears streamed down Druella's face and she looked up at Rhea with a pleading expression.

"Rhea, p-please . . . stop this. This isn't like you." Druella pleaded. 

"Oh, Druella," Rhea bent down so that she was level with Druella. She smiled sweetly at the girl and placed her warm hand on Druella's cheek like a mother consoling a small child. "This is exactly who I am."

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