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fortune favors the bold

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN— fortune favors the bold

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        "HOW'S IT GOING WITH ATLAS?" Rialta asked when Rhea appeared beside her by the refreshment table. Rhea managed to get away from Atlas for a moment and immediately made her way over to her stepmother to let her know what was happening.

"I'm trying to charm him, but I understand why everyone warned me from socializing with him." said Rhea. Atlas, she found was a little (very) harsh and blunt. When he did speak instead of simply listening to what she had to say, he never minced his words, but Rhea imagined that's what happened when you came from a family as influential as the Krane's. "He doesn't talk about himself at all. I've tried asking him questions but he won't answer them. He just wants to know about me and our family  — it's all very formal."

"What does he want to know?" asked Rialta. There was a suspicious tone in her voice and Rhea didn't blame her. She was always wary whenever people started asking questions about her family.

"Mainly our history. He wants to know who we're related to, what our family's best known for. He hasn't mentioned or asked about dad which is a good sign." Rhea said. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Atlas being approached by two pretty girls. She turned back to Rialta. "I better get back."

She walked across the grass back to Atlas. His lips were pressed into a thin line of annoyance as he looked down at the two girls that were speaking to them. Atlas looked over when he saw Rhea approaching him and shooed the girls away immediately. Rhea rolled her eyes at his dismissal.

"You didn't have to tell them to  —"

"I'd like for you to meet my mother and father." Atlas said. Rhea raised a brow at him. This was a little soon.


"My parents are very interested in learning more about your family. Your family's reputation precedes you, as I'm sure ours does." said Atlas. Rhea narrowed her eyes at him as a knowing little smirk formed at the corner of his mouth. "Did you really think I didn't see through your little charade?"

"Well, you could've said something sooner before I wasted both of our time." said Rhea. Atlas looked closer to laughing now than he had the whole time she had been talking to him. He knew; the whole time he had known that she was playing him.

"I wanted to see how far you'd go to try and impress me."

"Don't flatter yourself, Krane."

Atlas chuckled. He glanced at something behind Rhea and she straightened her spine. He watched as she plastered a bright smile on her face before turning around and coming face-to-face with Gaia and Adonis Krane.

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