Bread for Hitmen

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While he took all his time walking back, his eyes roamed around the environment.

Birds chirping, children playing, the younger ones under the paranoid eyes of their parents while the older ones enjoyed more freedom. It was joyous, everyone enjoying the cool breeze, knowing well that in less than two weeks, they'll be stuck inside, layers of clothes warming their bodies while the snow and vigorous wind will prevent them from stepping into the freezing temperatures as such.

The older generations were feeding pigeons in the park, the hot scent of baked bread spreading around the peaceful area.

"Do I buy fresh bread or stick to toast?", Samuel whispered glancing at the bakery's showcase, seeing that familiar black hair once again, this time in different clothes. "Fresh bread it is then," the main character smirked, pushing the store's glass door, the bell ringing at the new arrival.

He crept behind the shorter man, who was waiting for his turn in the queue and whispered, "The world is such a tiny place, huh?"

Cameron turned around a disinterested look on his face, "Are you a stalker?"

"I can't even go buy bread?", Samuel gasped.

"Do you like me or would you like to kill me?", Cameron stared at the man. "Those could be the only reasons why you would do this."

Samuel widened his eyes and averted his gaze, hearing a small chuckle.

"Don't sweat it, grown man. I'm joking," Cameron turned around, now being the second person in the queue.

The taller man stayed frozen. "You're telling me you can joke?"

The man in front of him ignored the question and ordered his bread, the baker turned to Samuel and inquired, "And for your friend?", making his 'friend' let out a chortle

Cameron turned to Sam, blinking twice and spun, facing the baker once again, "I believe I have no friends," he sighed, packing his brioches in a paper bag. "Have a nice day."

He scurried away, exiting the place hurriedly, the protagonist sighing.

This has happened way too much for me to say anything.

"Youngsters these days huh?", the baker shook his head.

"Yeah," his customer replied, placing his order, "I'll have some pretzels please," he smiled, waiting for the confectioner to turn away before he whispered, "Do I really look old?"

"Aye milk chocolate man, what's up?", Priscilla 'greeted' Samuel as he came out of the bakery.

"Morning dark chocolate girl. Got some pastries aye?", Sam spoke, referring to the paper bag in her hand, with 'Royal Pastry', printed on it.

"For my girl. I see you got some loaves for your loneliness," she smirked at the crumbled bag Samuel held in his hands, 'Royal Loaf', written on it.

Might look strange that the names are so similar, but let your awesome narrator put some context here.

Mr. and Mrs. Balzac was a French couple who moved to Michigan some years prior. Mr. Balzac was the proud owner of the bakery shop while his wife specializes in pastries, thus owning the pastry shop just beside her husband's workplace. Since their jobs are rather popular in their homeland, they decided to move to somewhere more diverse where their talents and skills could be appreciated a little more than originally.

"Forget about my loneliness. Since when are you dating Candace?", Samuel asked while both of them started heading back to their apartment.

"We liked each other back in Australia-", Priscilla was interrupted by the younger man.

"All the way back there?", Samuel asked in astonishment.

"Yeah. But our families were super religious. My older brother was the worst," she sighed. "We had to meet in secret for five months, but then I decided that enough was enough, so I brought Candace home for Thanksgiving," she paused.

"And?", the man inquired.

"We got one hell of a lecture. Telling us that we were possessed and serving the devil by being together," Priscilla laughed at her own words. "They were absolutely against us," she looked up at the sky, "I already made plans to move to Michigan but Candace was more attached to her family than I was, so leaving home was hard for her."

"I never expected to be in a long-distance relationship but I was for at least two years now. Then she came to Michigan last year and I've never been happier."

"Why don't you move in together?", Samuel asked.

"Mr. Seiko looks very traditional so I don't know how'll he'll react," Priscilla sighed. "We were lucky enough that you and Cameron weren't judging."

"Yeah I'm pretty sure he doesn't care," Samuel chuckled. "And last time I checked, I don't either. You fuck whoever you want, as long as both of you are happy," he paused, "Besides both of you suit each other."

"Now, now, don't go all sweet and smooth-talking with me," Priscilla nudged the man. "But yeah thank you."

"Don't mention it," Samuel whistled, before turning to the woman. "Does she know about your past?"

Priscilla scoffed, "Of course she does."

Samuel widened her eyes,

"She stayed with you despite knowing you were a hitman?"

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