Broken Extents

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Of course.

"I don't want any of you alive either-", he looked up to the men flinching at his words, his eyes shuffling as they clearly looked for excuses, "However, I'm assuming you are being forced to work here?"

Obviously, these guys were victims themselves.

The men stared down in shame at the truth being spat at them crudely, 'forced' wasn't a word they liked to hear; it hurt their pride. They associated it with patheticness, a word that reminded them of their helplessness and their inferiority to the situation.

Taking the silence as a confirmation, Samuel monologued to himself, loud enough for the men to hear, "You're equipped with fake guns, you jump at gunshots, you're literally vulnerable if ever the Police find your drug house and," he shakes his head, "you haven't even tried to rebel or protect yourself from me," he lowered his gun, tilting his head to rest on his lover's, "You aren't murderers, nor are you drug users, nor are you even guards," he paused, "You are literal pawns. Your sole job is to be sacrificed in situations to ensure the protection of your boss."

"Enough loathing on us," one of the guys voiced out.

"I'm not loathing you, I'm explaining your situation," he straightened his neck, "Why are you working for that prick-"

"He's threatening us. We aren't safe. Our families aren't safe. We could die at the snap of his finger," a man spoke.

"It all started with one deal and now he's got us by our throats," revelations kept surfacing.

"So what are you planning?", Samuel inquired.

"We're more concerned about your plans," a man exhaled, "Look man, he's in that state cause of Matt, none of us touched him," he gulped, "Our instructions were to make sure he remains safe-"

"And why is that?", Sam scoffed. "He doesn't look 'safe' at all," he took a step forward, the men retreating, "Answer me, why did your boss trash my lover, then order you to keep him away from harm?", he raised his eyebrows at the silence, "What are his plans?", he pressed.

"We don't know anything," one of them finally managed to get out, "I swear we don't know."

Samuel raised an eyebrow, lifting his pistol once more to point in the direction of the warehouse, "Alright get in line and walk."

"Can't we talk this out-"

"Just listen to him."

"Yeah you better," Samuel mumbled, positioning his arm more comfortably under Cameron's thighs.

They strolled through the woods, leisurely walking to their destination. Even though the silence of dusk meditates one's mind, their fright prevented them from achieving inner peace, "If you want to throw hands, throw them at Matthew," the most chatty man in the group reminded.

"Are you pissing your pants right now? How many times are you going to repeat the same thing over and over again?", Samuel was fazed by how the men were determined about keeping themselves alive.

"Shit man you look like you're obsessed with the guy," the man sighed quite dramatically.

Our main character found himself fascinated by this answer. Well, by now, we all know how engrossed he is with Cameron, over such a short period of time on top of that, but what intrigued him was how his fixation was physically visible.

"And why do you think so?", although their voyage was a rather chatty one, it is to be kept in mind that those men, could potentially be corpses in the course of a few minutes.

"Figured by your eyes," the man replied.

He wanted elaboration, but another man took the parole, seemingly the oldest in the bunch, "When you first arrived here, you looked at us as if we were vulgar cockroaches. It was as if you'd step over us at the very minor inconvenience we could cause. But then once you turned to him, your gaze softened as if you were kneeling before a God; like you were the vulgar cockroach," he chuckled, "Almost like a proud dog."

"Well that's quite derogatory," Samuel replied, somewhat satisfied with the answer.

Yes, he did see them as bugs.

And yes, Cameron is, in fact, considered superior to his own self, which might also be a potential problem in the relationship.

"I must say it isn't," the older man replied, "Your loyalty goes to no bounds, and that's a pretty good thing to be," he sighed, "However, this puts other people in danger."

They halted, standing in front of the storeroom, waiting for Samuel's next instruction which was, "Go inside."

Fingers fiddling, foots tapping, eyes shuffling, lip biting, and sweaty foreheads; just what was the fate that Samuel had decided to bestow upon these poor souls?

"What now?", our curly-haired character breathed out.

The men shared disoriented looks amongst themselves, "That's for you to decide."

Samuel let out a chortle, malevolently, "I don't know if I can trust you guys. You seem to bite back and I suppose if you could betray your boss once you would do it thousands of times," he paused, confident with the conclusion he had made, "That is if you remain alive."

"What do you mean-"

"I meant I have a proposition for you," our main character breathed, he'd never shown mercy before, but a little change doesn't hurt anyone. At least, he hoped so, "Are you willing to work under me?"

"It depends on the kind of work."

"We're not murderers you know."

"Oh I know that very well," he grinned, "The only murderers here are myself and my beloved," he looked down at the man still resting, "But how comfortable are you with working with corpses?"

"Like cleaners? I'd say we're pretty good."

"Great so I guess we can proceed with my plans-"

"That quickly? You don't have like doubts or questions or tests, anything like that? Maybe blackmail material so we don't try anything-", the man was silenced when he received a slap behind his head, his colleagues annoyed by his constant conversion.

Samuel laughed, "I just said I'm a murderer, do you think I'll let you off if you pull any nasty tricks?"


Shameless plug but if you could go check out "Built for Sins", another work by your fav narrator here (lol), it would mean a lot.

The only thing I can say is that it's much more of a slow burn than this one - There's actual rivalry and a lil bit more action (Since this one is my first book, Imma obviously put more work in the second one from mistakes learnt here)

Anyways, if you've read all of that, thank you.
And Imma see you next Friday (Talking like a fucking host I'm dead lmao)

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