A Mother's Fury

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The cold breeze of early morning cooled his burning face; that was a deja vue.

He was being dragged on the ground, his body heating up with the friction of the surface as pain enveloped him all over, yet he still couldn't emit any sound. His eyes were barely open, but at least he was sure about something; he was still alive.

Not for long though.

Although he wanted to remain optimistic, his helplessness prevented him from staying positive. Cameron was too fixated on breathing properly that he couldn't question his surroundings.

Where was he being dragged to?

Is Olivia safe?

Is she... still alive?

He could feel his eyes slowly water, surely he wasn't that useless?

His skin was boiling, cuts all over himself as dried blood stuck to his flesh. The impacts of bare fists did more damage than he anticipated and the dragging wasn't helping. Fortunately, the captor halted and Cameron could hear the rusted high pitched grincement of a gate that echoed into the forest.

He couldn't remember much after that but the sole reason he allowed himself to fall into unconsciousness was the voice of Olivia.

"Wake up!"

Olivia could feel her eyes tearing at the state in which her friend was. Although he had a peaceful expression on, she was certain he was in pain. "Let me go," she glared up at her ex-lover who had satisfaction all over his face.

"I'm afraid that won't do Olivia, and you know it," Matthew replied, "And besides, I'm sure he'll be just fine," he chuckled, causing an erupt of laughter thoughtout the room.

Obviously that was sarcasm.

The mother of one flicked her tongue, breaking eye contact as she resumed her inspection of the location. It was a grand hall, no corridors, no rooms, only one pair of metal doors and some windows. Evidently, that was a drug storehouse.

She bit her lip, now focusing on the man beside her and just then, she fell her world crumble. It was never her intention to put others in danger. The one goal in her life was that Nathanial should live a life of kindness and in no case turn out like his father.

She chuckled.

I'm a hypocrite.

That wasn't true. We all know that. But undoubtedly, the soul of a selfless being, finds all sort of scenarios for others to appear more sane than themselves.

"At least let me tend to his wounds," she tried again, this time softer, "Or do it yourself but please-"

"What's the use of repairing something you'll destroy anyway?", Matthew interrupted her. "Isn't that what you did, my love?", he gestured to his men to leave, which they did right away.

"No," her emotionless tone resonated through the hall, giving her a rush of confidence.

Perhaps she was the root of Cameron's pain, however, she was sure that whatever happened to her relationship, was strictly Matthew's fault. She was certain.

"I tried to bring us both together, but it wasn't out of love, it was for Nathaniel," she gritted her teeth, "but I dont want my son to grow up with the likes of you."

"So what you got with bitch boy over there? What you'd rather your son be a f*ggot that a drug addict?", he chucked but he was taken aback by Olivia's sudden aggression.

"Do not," she gritted her teeth, "call him that," she desperately tried to force her hands out of the ropes behind her back, letting out chortles whilst stopping unrhythmically before calming herself, her chuckles becoming louder each passing second, putting Matthew on edge as confusion enveloped him, "And besides, does a real man need others to watch over him? Do you find yourself so weak you had to tie Cameron down?", she looked him dead in the eye, "Who's the real bitch boy?"

"Lower your fucking tone, Olivia," Matthew clenched his fists, "I won't keep up with chivalry if you don't shut your trap," his eyes were widened, breathing fastening as his anger continued to rise.

The woman scoffed, "You're the one talking about chivalry?", she laughed, "You?"

"Listen here woman, you're staring to get on my fucking nerves."

"Great then cause I was done with your shit way too long ago."

"I'll-", Matthew paused when one of his men entered the hall.

Olivia observed the males, furrowing her eyebrows at the visible enjoyment on Matthew's face; an expression she dreaded.

"Well well my dear Olivia," the man walked towards her, lowering his body, hands behind his back as he smirked, few centimetres away from the tied woman's face, "It seems your friend here is quite the jackpot."

The mother stared into her ex-lover's orbs, trying to find words that would overlook the identity, or at least protect the unconscious hitman next to her.

"Don't try to fool me now," he showed her his palm, the lines carved onto it healing as it scabbed, "He's so fucking stupid to think I'll let go of him," he shrugged his elbows, getting up, looking back down, "And so are you."

"I found someone who is very interested in this guy," Matthew announced, "He's willing to pay good money for a single conversation," he chuckled at the bamboozled expression of Olivia, "You could still come to me side anytime, I wouldn't mind-"


The captor sighed, "We'll find something else later, right now," he clapped his hands, "I have business to discuss."

Ending with that, he left.

Olivia had thousands of thoughts about who could potentially be 'interested' in Cameron.

She turned to him, somewhat relieved that he was breathing.

He was Vixen. One of the most wanted man in town. He had no reason to keep Olivia or anyone else alive, yet he did. He showered them with kindness; a thing that even family couldn't do.

Cameron wheezed, panting heavily as he coughed suddenly, making Olivia's anxiety rise, tears enrobing her eyes once again. The most wanted man in town. Yet he was here, as a friend, risking his life for another.

Was he really going to go down that easily?

Obviously not. I'm an optimistic narrator but our characters seem to have forgotten about something.

Or someone.

A person who was way more wrathful, way more toxic and way more impulsive than Cameron.

See who I'm talking about?


New chapter tomorrow my bbgs.

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