Kiss me and Kill him

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A greyish cranky ceiling, navy blue curtains, and a vague scent of tobacco overlapped by the strong penetrating odor of liquor; this wasn't Cameron's room.

The intense pricking in his head and his dry throat were the obstacles that forbid him from concentrating on his surroundings more than his physical pain.

Still half asleep, he suddenly gasped. What was this weight pressing down from his waist down? Was he paralyzed?

Cameron carefully lifted the covers, his eyes landing on Samuel tightly hugging his waist while his head rested on his belly, still slumbering. He sighed, staring at the hitman in front of him, or more precisely, on him, trying to process what happened last night.

He was absolutely wasted, but he didn't forget anything.

Or did he?

"Maybe it was just a dream?", the second main character thought out loud.

"It wasn't a dream," Samuel replied, throat still grouchy from just waking up, "It absolutely was not a dream," he repeated, staring lazily into Cam's eyes, "And I will not take alcohol for an excuse."

Cameron glared at him, "For how long have you been awake?"

"I would say less than five minutes," Samuel stretched his arms and legs, laying flat on his stomach while his face was buried in Cameron's abdomen, "Why? Did you miss me?", he brought his body up so that he laid at the same level as the other man, their face inches away from each other.

"You wish," Cameron rolled his eyes when he suddenly received a peck from Sam, surprising him at first before his regular, I-am-a-killer-with-a-weak-heart-for-a-guy-with-a-nest-on-his-head face, came back on. "Your breath stinks."

"Does it?", Samuel blew in the cup of his hand, his liquor-ish breath hitting him directly.

"Yes it does," Cameron gazed at the roof.

Silence invaded the room, it wasn't awkward, but it wasn't serene either. They knew that one minute or the other, they had to resolve the question they were both focusing so hard on.

What is our relationship exactly?

"I don't know how to say this, but you went from a random guy I helped to someone I would sacrifice my own life for," Samuel licked his lips, pondering on his next words, "I don't think that it's something common, especially when we're both hitmen, but my feelings are genuine. I'll admit," he sighed, "I'll admit that I was skeptical at first, but yeah, now I'm 100% sure that I want to be with you, whether it be regular dating or being partners in crime," he paused, turning to face Cameron, "Literally."

Cameron chuckled, the words of the man brushing close to his cold heart, a flicker of warmth creating itself within the killer.

"And I want to fuck you, but that's a different story-"

"Well, you might've just ruined the whole thing," Cameron sighed, he closed his eyes, "I'd say I was surprised too, I felt like the walls I've so desperately tried to keep up as a barrier to protect myself, were crushed effortlessly," he turned to Samuel, slowly opening his eyes, "That pissed me off so much, and you ain't that attractive either," he shook his head, "I deserve better."

"I beg to differ. Weren't you the one who came onto me?", Samuel wriggled his eyebrows.

"I most certainly was not," Cameron shook his head disapprovingly.

And what felt like hours of nonstop unnecessary bickering, finally came to an abrupt end to raise yet another important topic when Sam declared something, "Alright let's shut up, and act like a proper couple," he paused, clearing his throat while his eyes roamed around the room, "How do normal couples act?"

"Oh I don't know Samuel, maybe they schedule dates instead of murders?", Cameron sighed, "I wanted this to come out as sarcastic but it's really just the truth."

"Well, anyway," the main character yawned, "Let's just stay in bed for the day," he snuggled closer to his unofficial lover before his mind lashed another question right at him, which he voiced out without hesitation.

"Hey, how- who will?", he tried to look for proper words, until he realized he was Samuel, "I am willing to offer my virgin hole to you," he dramatically sighed, "And even for a ruthless killer, like myself, that shit is scary as fuck."

Cameron sighed, chuckling lightly, "That's very brave, but no," he paused, "And I'm not giving any explanation to my reasoning-"

"And you are absolutely right. I will not go against your word and will wholeheartedly accept whatever choice you have made," he slipped his hand into Cameron's shirt, pulling his waist closer, as his head rested on his shoulder,

"Now dear boyfriend, let's go back to sleep and dream about each other."

"First, I never said I'd date you, and second I'll most probably be murdering you."


Aw they're such good friends</3


Cameron be like :

Cameron be like :

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I can't thank y'all enough for the support :')

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