Scooby-Doo Gang assembly not

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"Fair," Cameron shrugged his shoulders.

"What?", Priscilla raised an eyebrow. That was an odd reply.

"I mean it's your decision", he continued, "We don't have a say in this."

Olivia chuckled. They were good humans. Yeah, they stab people, carve them and burn down forests but they were not evil.

To her, at least.

"I just don't want to have a baby in times likes this-", her eyes became teary again, the honey-coloured orbs shining with the salty water that slowly took over her vision. She did feel a little bad about giving it up, but losing the father to her child, and having to comfort herself and a toddler who has not a clue in the world about his own family is a task she considered the top priority.

"Hey, do what you want Olive," Samuel spoke, "I don't have a vagina so I have nothing to contribute to-"

"At least let her express herself?", Priscilla let out an amused chortle, always entertained by the man's honesty and non-concern.

"Knowing that all of you support that decision is so damn comforting," Olive leaned her head back, exhaling through her mouth while closing her eyes.

"Even if we didn't, that shouldn't change anything," Priscilla reminded.

"By the way, what did you do to Matt?", Olivia suddenly stood up, "I smelt smoke earlier, but I just assumed that it was Priscilla's car. How come it's gone?"

"Let's just say the police won't be finding him anytime soon," he chuckled, "I meant they will find a body, but they won't know it's actually his since he's probably burnt down to-"

"Shut it, big guy, we got it," Cameron placed his finger on the other man's lip, "It seems that fire is very present in our encounters," his hazel eyes stared into the chocolates in front of him.

"It's cause you fire me up-"

"Oh for the love of Christ get a room," Priscilla loudly complained, causing Olivia to giggle.

"That's exactly why your ass was dumped," Samuel huffed, the other two characters stared at him in disbelief, mouth agape.

"Cam, make full use of your time with him, by the end of this trip he's gone," the driver spoke, hands gripping the wheel tighter with each passing second as she repeatedly glared at the next victim through the mirror in front of her, "It seems today is the perfect day to exterminate annoying boyfriends."

"Yes," the deuteragonist smacked Sam's arm, whispering "Apologize," to reason with him.

"Why should I?", he whispered back, staring back at the menace in front of him.

"Because that's rude," Cameron shook his head, turning to face upfront, "I apologize on his behalf."

"Sweetie there's no need for that," the Australian woman laughed, "It makes me think back on the first day we found out about each other," she reminisced.

"That day we got beat up by a group of women? Yeah," the protagonist shared a laugh.

"Now I want to hear more," Olivia rose her eyebrows.

"So do I," Cameron reciprocated.

"There's really nothing much to it," Priscilla started, "We both got out to take a drink, and our flirting wasn't appreciated by the girls we were approaching."

"What, were they homophobic or is my man here too ugly?", Cameron teasingly pulled on Samuel's ear, the man caught in a trance.

"My man."

Then he remembered what proceeded, "You're calling me ugly now?", he paused, blinking dramatically to his partner, face crunched up with offence, "That means you're the one with bad taste buddy."

"Yeah, they didn't like either my gay ass or his face," Priscilla sighed, ignoring Samuel's shenanigans.

"Don't encourage him," Samuel whispered yelled, all this charade taking place with Olivia's held-back laughter in the background, "How about you tell them how dumb you were? You weren't even able to hide your job bro."

"Now I can confidently step in and say that none of you possesses the ability to remain secretive," Olivia spoke before going back on her words, "Well maybe not Cam, since it was Samuel's rambling mouth that-"

"Great now I have a rambling mouth," Samuel rolled his eyes at the bullying, his lover pleasantly hitting his shoulder.

"Oh but elaborate though," Olivia demanded.

"My dodging skills," the driver frowned, "They put a suspicion on his mind and the man went, "Did you take fighting lessons or are you an online hit?" And of course, he hit right on the nail so I guess my expression sold it."

"But then how did he-" Cameron's question was replied almost immediately.

"Oh, I just told her," Samuel shrugged his shoulders, "Got nothing to lose."

"Wow," Olivia mouthed, "I wonder how I'm still alive."

"I explained it before, it's your word against ours," Cameron reminded, leaning his head against his lover's chest as he felt the slumber leisurely coming back, darkness surrounding the corners of his eyes.

It hasn't been even thirty minutes but with the amount of blood he lost and the strain his body went through, rest was arguably much needed, even if he wanted to participate in the conversation. He couldn't for much longer, but he forced his eyes to stay open.

"Yeah....", the woman stared at her palms in her lap, "About Cadance-"

"How many times will her name be brought up again and again?", Priscilla sighed, "I'm done with that woman so how much longer do I have to bear the mention of her name?"

"Until you finally tell us what the fuck you're planning to do," Sam spat out.

"I said I'm killing her," she shook her head, "What option even is there left?"

"Conversation? Ignorance?", Olivia suggested, " You'll get hurt if you carry that out."

"Are you hurt?" Priscilla inquired, "Your ex has been exterminated to dust, are you hurt?"

"It's a different story," Olive shook her head disapprovingly, "Did Cadance abuse you to the point where you wanted to take your own life?"


Obviously, the answer was no, but the nonchalant yet fragile tone of the woman put the other characters on edge. They were intimated by her experience and her strength to talk about it so unbothered.

She sighed, "Okay I went too far," she paused, "But don't you think that letting her marry and going on with your life is the better option? What is she even going to do? Tell the police? They're probably involved one way or the other."

"You're somewhat right," Cameron agreed, yawning tiredly.

"Or," Samuel prolonged his pronunciation, "We could crash and burn down the wedding."

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