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"Yes, of course, gang up on me," Cameron rolled his eyes when Samuel held him bridal style, to lower him in the tub, Olivia turned away to face the wall like the brunette instructed.

Once he was in the water, he was kissed on the forehead. Samuel's lips brushed against his ear, his familiar seductive whisper following, "You're quite sexy."

"Good to know the man I love gets excited upon seeing me get bodied," Cameron giggled at the smack he received as a reply.

"You know you shouldn't be saying stuff like that," Samuel pulled a stool to take a seat, notifying Olivia that she could turn around.

"Do you want to use baby shampoo? It doesn't hurt your eyes," the mother inquired, bowing down to pat Cameron's head, "And won't prick your open wounds."

"Please do not treat me as a child," Cameron sighed, feeling his face flush.

"Maybe if you stop acting like one," Olivia stood up, grinning at the held back guffaws of Samuel and the pissed yet embarrassed grunts of the younger man. She stretched her arms, crossing them behind her head, exiting the bathroom. Looking back for the last time, she announced, "I need a shower too," she sighed, "Badly."

"See you," the men spoke.

"Well, Priscilla, I'll see you later, don't forget to think seriously on-," Olivia walked in the living room, halting her journey to the front door when she witnessed the battleground in front of her.

Oh give me a break.

Priscilla was sitting on the couch, her body inclined forward as she leaned her elbows on her knees, staring menacingly at the man sat in front of her.

Olivia's eyes shuffled between the two, raising one eyebrow at the relaxed, laid back brother who smiled gently back at her.

"Olivia, sit down," Priscilla looked up to her, scooting in her seat to make place for the other woman.

"I was going to take a shower-", she proceeded to refuse, in vain.

"Please," the Australian woman pleaded, her eyes softening while the corners of her mouth crept into a forced smile.

Olivia sighed, marching in her direction, and taking a seat where she was told to, "Alright make this quick," she crossed her legs and arms, leaning back, "Olivia Hudson," she looked up to the man, "And you are?"

"Isaac Anderson," the man chuckled, "I must say you give off quite the aura."

"I've seen enough these past hours," Olivia sighed, "And be careful, that 'aura' you speak of may be misleading."

"Either way," Isaac breathed, letting yet another chortle, "I like it."

"Speak," Olivia turned to Priscilla, widening her eyes at the ballant flirting the woman's brother was attempting on her, "And why am I getting involved in family issues?"

"There's no way we're going to agree with each other," Priscilla sighed, "So we need a voice of reason."

"Then talk to each other," Olivia spoke, "You think shooting glares or smirking like a crazed maniac will get you anywhere?"

"Why are you here?", Priscilla started her interrogation.

"Obviously to see my little sister."

"And on what occasion, dear brother?"

"To comfort her after her breakup," Isaac chuckled at the gasps of the women before his sister's face crunched up, "Don't make such a face."

"How do you know about my breakup?", Priscilla spoke, there was a faint crack in her voice, a vague fissure that revealed the outburst of her secluded emotions. Thankfully, it wasn't noticed by none of the humans in the room, she thought. Yet, the subtle movement of Olivia's hand from her lap onto Priscilla's proved that the other woman could, indeed, "read" the people around her quite well. She was a woman too after all.

"Candace called me," Isaac's tone changed too, taking the women yet again by surprise, "That b-", he inhaled, "Despicable woman," he looked up to his sister, "Pardon my words."

"No, no, go ahead," Priscilla tilted her head. That feeling was foreign. The acknowledgement of her brother, his concern, and most of all, his visible hatred for her ex-girlfriend, not in the 'same-sex relationships are wrong' way but rather, 'she hurt my sister' kind.

"You know what she told our parents? She said that, I quote, "I realised that a woman does belong to a man in all possible ways", that, that," he stuttered at his lack of words, his body posture shifted completely, reflecting his emotions, he was sat upright, hands fluttering in every direction, "That she had made a terrible decision dating you and that she's wasted her life and her time," he stood up, "She told our parents that you were quite stupid for staying with her- That it was clear she didn't want to stay with you- That you ignored her hints-", he paused, biting his tongue to look back at his composed yet obviously taken aback sister, "I'm sorry Cilla, my frustration-"

"No Izzy," she took big breaths feeling her throat tighten, "Continue. I need to know," she inhaled once again, "Everything," she chuckled, "So I'm stupid huh."

Love is stupid.



"Priscilla, almost four years," Isaac resumed, "Almost four years, you ignored us. You distanced yourself," he buried his face in his palms, "And I don't blame you for it, you had every reason but," he let his arms loose, staring up at the ceiling, "If only you knew how much we missed you, if only-", he looked at his sister, gaze softer than a mother's, "If only you knew that we'd finally accepted you."

The women once again gasped, Priscilla's eyebrows were furrowed, staring in disbelief at her brother, "Don't lie."

Isaac chuckled, "Why would I lie? Right after you left," he inhaled, "Right after you left, there was this emptiness at home, we realised our mistake, we realised that there's much more to this world than what's written on paper" he winked at the women, "Remember how you used to call me illiterate cause I hated grammar?"

"Oh get to the point grown man," Priscilla laughed silently, her shoulders relaxing at the sincerity her brother's tone showed.

Isaac kneeled in front of her, staring at the replica of his eyes, "I need you to know that, Izzy and Cilla will always be a thing. You're my side kick till the end. Remember the promise we made?"

"That we would braid each other kid's hair?", Priscilla sniffled, feeling her emotions already overflowing. She touched their foreheads, while she felt Olivia's hand slowly slip away. She grasped it again; more support is always appreciated.

"Exactly," he paused, standing up, "But also, I don't think that'll be possible now since you know," he looked down at her, "Or maybe science has evolved-"

"Oh fuck off-", the siblings laughed in unison, making Olivia join in.

"You see how useless I was?", she spoke.

"You may not realise it but you weren't," Priscilla reminded, turning to her.

"Yes, after all my sister is what you call a 'top'," Isaac managed to sneak in another one of his proficiencies.

"Izzy, stop," Priscilla turned away from the laughing duo in front of her.

"Also, I've decided to crash the wedding," Isaac announced, making the women, yet again, gasp.

One could say he's the embodiment of the author with his unchronological information dropping.

"What?", the woman yelled in unison.

"I don't know, maybe set fire to it?", he nonchalantly suggested.

"What the fuck even is this solution?", Priscilla exclaimed, "You're one of the most righteous people I know, never stepping away from morals," she inhaled, "And you're speaking about burning someone's union-?"

"I have been summoned," they flinched at the sudden appearance of Samuel, strolling his way to the trio, leaning by the couch Isaac was sat on, "You have uttered the word 'fire', indirectly evoking me."


Samuel speaking like a wizard is top notch

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